HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance Ratifying, Confirming, and Revising Tax Levies from 1926-1937 e 'e e' ,.to AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING, CONFIRMING .AND REVISING THE TAX LEVIES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE FOR THE YEARS 1926 TO 1937, BOTH INCLUSIVE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Oooee, under date of January 2, 1939, adopted a resolution en- titled "Resolution Correoting Certain Tax Levies Hereto- fore Made by Ocoee and Amending and Correcting said Tax Levies So That the Tax Levies Shall Reflect the Truth and the Purposes for Wbich Levied," and e ;' ~, said resolution relates to tax levies theretofore levied and spread on the tax rolls of the City of Ocoee for the years 1926 to 1937, both inclusive, and WEEREAS, under date of October 6, 1939, a final order was entered in the United states District Court, Southern Distriot of Florida, relative to oomplianoe with peremptory writs theretofore issued by said Court in the cases of United States of America, ex reI.) The' Brown-Crummer Investment Company vs. City of Oooe6, et al., #2794-T-Civil, and United States of America, ex reI., W. J. Meredith, L. F. Rodgers and James G. Martin vs. City of Oooee, et al., #207-0rlando-Civil, . and WEEREAS, said final order requires the action herein taken relative to the tax levies of the City of Ocoee tor the years 1~" tp 31937, both inolusive. , ,,' \! ' i ,> e e '. ~ er N'pW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF OCOEE, AS FOLLOWS: e Section 1. That the resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Ocoee, under date of January 2, 1939, entitled "Resolution Correcting Certain Tax Levies Heretofore Made by Oooee and Amending and Cor- recting said Tax Levies So That the Tax Levies Shall Re- flect the Truth and the Purposes for Which Levied," is hereby ratified and confirmed as revised in and by Section 2 hereof. Section 2. That the tax levies of the City of Ocoee for the years 1926 to 1937, both inclusive, be and they are hereby ratified, confirmed and revised, in order that they may reflect the truth, so as to provide that the taxes levied by the City of Ocoee for the years 1926 to 1937, both inolusive, be and the same are hereby fixed, for the respective years, and for the respective purposes, and in the respective amounts, as are set forth for eaoh of said years in the fOllowing schedule: Allocation of Total Millage For Brown-Crummer Inv.Co. Judgment in Case No.2475- T-Civ. Pursuant to peremp- General Oper- tory writ in Case No.2794- Interest & ating T-Civil Sinking Fund ~ Total ~ Millap;e e 10 8 8 9 8 8 8 34 22 22 22 22 7 5 7 7 7 7 5 5 5 6 5 5 o 25 12 12' 12 12 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 19.31 19.32 1933 19M 19.35 1936 1937 e - 2 - ..- 5 3 .3 3 .3 3 1 4 3 3 3 3. ! .. _or ., ..- Section 3. That all prooeeds hereafter realized from the General Interest and Sinking Fund tax levies referred to in Section 2 hereof and all e proceeds hereafter realized from the special tax levies for the Brown-Crummer Investment Company Judgment re- ferred' to in Section ~ hereof are hereby appropriated and "ear-marked" for the speoific purpose of complying with the said order of the District Court of the United States for the Southern Distriot of Florida. dated October 6th. 1939. as aforesaid. in the fOllowing manner. to~vit: Said prooeeds shall be applied first to the payment of the .:remaining balanoe due upon the said judgment of The Brown-Crummer In- '. e vestment Company. together with costs~ ~nd the interes,t thereon. until the same shall have been paid in full; and thereafter the said prooeeds shall be applied to the payment of the said judgment of W. J. Meredith, L. F. Rodgers and James G. Martin until the said Judgment, together with oosts, and the interest thereon, shall have been paid in full; "oosts" being hereby intended to mean oosts of the aotion re- sulting in the judgment and oosts in the man- damus prooeedings to enforoe the same. e - .3 _ e' e e ~'l - e e ~ 'e Section 4. That all ordinances, resolutions and other actions hereto~ore taken by the City Council of the City of Ocoee, in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed, in so far as they are in oonflict with the provisions hereof. Section ,5. That this ordinance shall take effect immediately. The undersigned President of the City Council of the City of Ocoee and the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Ocoee do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the City Il~ ' day of Council of the City of Ocoee, on the &~ r-.- , A. D. 1939. \' -/ U$~ President of the City ouncil of the City of Ocoee. . -- ~, - ,~ - Attest: ~ ^ --::::-. -, - '"' :- ~~C'.... . -r City Clerk of the City of Ocoee. :;-- ~- ~ 'Approved this ./.1 -.::: day of p~ , A. D. 1939. ~.G.~ Mayor of the City of Ocoe . ' ....- ".