HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-23-1939 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e .e W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. e QLit}l nf (@tntt ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR November 22nd 1939 I. I M. C. Bryan --.--... . d~ Bolemn11 swaar (or a:tfi1'm) ths t 1 nll support, proteot and defend the Oonstitution and Go'~rnment of the Uni~ed states and of the state of Florida against all ensmiee, domestic or foreign, and that 1 will bear true faith, InY8l~1 and ~lleg1anoe to the same, and that I ~ am entitlod to hold office under the Oodst1t.tion; that I will fai~htu11F perform all the duties e of the off1oe of Councilman o~ the 01tU of Oonae, on wh10h I mr. about to enller. ::In help me God. cJm,f" , ~ " e ...j I E. A. MURRAY MAYOR e " e W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. e <!titll of (0.cOtt ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR I, a JJt . ~ ,do Bol.maly ._1' (01' (f , , afflrm) that I will support, proteot and defend the .' .' e Oon8tltution and Government of the Unit.d state. and of tha State of Flor1da against all .nemi.., domeat1o or fore1gn, aDd ~hat 1 Will b.ar true faith, lOJalt, and a11.g1aDa. to the o I., " Mm-, and that I am ent1tled to hold offia. under the OODst1tl1t1on; . that 1 w1l1 fa1thfullJ perform all the duti.. of tlw offlo. of, )J(4ry~ ._of the Oit, of 000.., OD whioh I am aboDt to ent.r. So help m. Gal. Y1lJ1,~. , ~;;i'J kke-h?J~ ~~ 7~~r- e JY/: If; ~~ , / A?e4 ~ 1/~/7- r-Y}{~ (/9~ ./ S -:..::::: .... - ~;- ~ ~- .~.. - -;:., - ... ---::;; E. A. MURRAY MAYOR . e W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. e <!Lit'}l of (@tntt ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR November 22nd 1939. " _' do solemnly eweer (or . affirm) 'm t 1 w1U support. proteot' and (b:~end the OOQs'1 'Dutton en d Gove:rDm9Dt o~ tile United statea am of I .........- . J. L. .Argo e the sta te of Flor1dB Bgalos' 611 enemies, domeetlo OJ." fO'relgn, a.nd trot 1 \"Jill bear t!'u.e faith, loyel'~y and allegiance to the ac.me. oDd that 1 ~ aD entttle(l tn hold office under tbB Co~et!t.'lon; that 1 will faithfUlly pcrforo all the duti~o of t118 otfioe of _ Councilman ,,-ot the O'lt71 of Oooee, on whloh 1 om nbnut to enter. ~ help me God. ~ f2 /11/ ~ (/ I e E. A. MURRAY MAYOR .e , e W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREA.S. e QtitJ! of (@.cntt ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR e :Minute of a regular moeting of City Council held Hovember 23rd 1939 Meet ing called to order by 0hairman at 7: 30 J? M. Minutes of last meeting Tead and approved. All members present, liayor and Clork present. Mr. Kerr moved and second Mr. Graves to accept tho votes voted in the regular City olection held Nnvembor 1st 1939 as cOlmted by the Vlerk and Inspectors as follow~ E. A. Murray for lhyor 129 votes, R. M. Johnston for }myor 151 votes; ~or 00uncilmen as follows: L. C. Windham 75 votes, P. P. Ford 127 votes; J. M. Argo 189 votes and 1'r.- C. Bryan 143 votes, ohe vote thrown out. Mr. n.l C. Bigelow a notary pl,1blic swore in the new 1-'1:ayor, .Jr. H. 1:. John~n by reading oath of office read from charter. tho Mayor in-turn S\"'ioro the new councilmen Mr. J. I~. Argo and 11r. II. C. Bryan, by reading oa thof offico from charter. after which the old 00uncilman ),I;;;'-'~i? 2. iord and Mr. L. C. Windham and 111'. E. A. Murray old J.Tayor ~~, the now members took their seats for tl~ meeting. A motion made for secret ballot for Cbairman'~ of 0ou.ncil, .Ballots counted electing Lr. C. ~~. Pounds as Chairman, Also by secret ballot l:r. J. 1.1. Argo was electod as VicQ~~hairman. llr. Bryan moved anc1 second lIre Argo to retain 1,;. H. ~'lurst as vlerlr:, voted and carried; lir. J.rav(.s movc;d and second Hr. Kerr to retain Er. Brock ..illon a.s Uarshall for one year, v~tod and carriod. Hr. Kerr Moved ana second Hr. Gravc;s to 'pay vlel'k;" Inbpc:ct ()rs and ....Jcputy '2.00 each for s~rving at the polls for r~gular Vity election rlovembcr lat. Lr. .dre:?;o IUo'Uc.d and second !:Lr. Graves to buy a spool of thrc.ad for s~v,ing room pro'Q.ect 111'. .lrgo moved second Er. Bryan not to use Lester HarTis as <';ity attorney. aft,r discussion tho notion was withdrawn and tabled to nrxt mLtting. 1tr. Braves ElOved second l.ir. Bryan to pay ~30.00 to ;jtnto .Bank: of ll.popka for Nov.nmer 23rd payment on Chevrolet truck. voted and carriod. Mr. Argo moved and sc.cond Mr. Bryan to a.JPoint the tIEl.yor and Clerk to get ostimatos fror~ diifal'ent concerns to audit the 0ity books. 111'. Ke,tr moved D.nd socond I,ir. Grav&s to have Clerk and l~arsball put und..r ~l,OOO bond and that the 0ity pay for tho 'premium. 1.11'. ..::i..gro move d se C 0 nd 1.1'. I3yran to 118. VI; v lcrk to vir i to ILl'S. Bll t t a 16 t l' l' that tho \lit Y has despens(.d VI ith her sGrvicCls. .e .Thero bein3 n~~furthClr :..t1..st'f~~' P" clerk business, l.ionncil stood adjorned at 9~OO r. 10:. ap;?~ lJ hI:. irmr n. ~ ....