HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-04-1939 ~ E. A. MURRAY MAYOR Ie ,e W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. e Qtit!I of @.cntt ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS. CHAIRMAN L. C. WINDHAM P. P. FORD J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR Minutes of a regular mOQting of the City Council held Docomber 4th 1939 Ue.ting called to order by Chairrmn at_7:30 F. M. All members nresent, lfuyor and Clark present. Jl!'i nut 8S 0 f las t ru;tllar ~e at ing roa.d and appr oved. ~et1or r~ad frou Mr. Archie ~till nat&d December 2nd. also a letter from Grattan Hammond dated November 28th, both in connection with the auditing of City record@. Mr. J. J. Asher hap~Gn&d to be prosont asked that he rni6ht'r::ake a statoment, after explaining his set up and TJa.kinga bid of ~85.00 for a Certified audit from October 1st 1938 to October 31st 1939, being thirteen months. Upon amotion from Mr. Xerr and second by Hr. Graves that 11r. Asher b~ !Jiven the job to audit the bookE, and later on make sa:ne provisions to pay a little each month on last aueit and this audit. voted and carried. Mr. Kerr moved and second Mr. Argo to pay up interest on past due not of $60.00 to the First Hational Bank of Winter Garden, and renew for a ...; period of Ninety days. Also voted to pay ~1.50 to CL~rk & Co; Florida ... Press, Inc. ~4.05; vi. H. Wurst for water ledger <,)4.20 am mileage .,~4.32; J. C. Clark ..,)3.68 to apply on truck repair account. Voted and carried. Mr. Kerr moved second Mr. Argo that l~r. Beltz be asked to fix the windows in jail. voted and carried. 00llncil instructed Ulerk to i'/rite F31Drida Public :3ervice 00m~any to take down tree at corner of Post Office. Mr. Kerr moved and second Mr. Graves that the Mayor see the trustees of ,/ .z:the Scho 01 ab 0 lrft. the water bill charged. in co nnect io n with Gymnasi LUn Pro ject. v 1I1r. Kerr move d an, d sec ond l~r. Bryan tho. t Clerk writ e each water user in arrears with Vlate! rent t..bat tf flU l .eai ct b,y, Decemb'e"I"-.t1;th-;-+he~ rrit-l be' then ca-t--olf !t'nJ ~h-etJemm-be cha.rged. 'for eut-t~ ha-ek-O'fl; together vll~h .the- ftlti-.l-a-ms.uut _o...f_the-b-:i-l-l. goted and carried. Ur. Kerr moved arJ'd second Mr. Grave to have 500 letter heads printed, and 1000 water cards printed. voted an d carried. Mr. Kerr moved and second Ur. Bryan that it will be necessary that Jack nobertson pa.y a full 12 months license for filling station now, Dr be charged for three months license. voted and carried. The ~atter of City Attorney was discussed, but nothing definite was arrived at. There being no fllrther business, Mr. Kerr moved and second Hr. Graves to adj::Jrn at 10:?0 P. H. . Attes~r> ~rGie~k. " (Y;f{P~ Chairman. ~ -- -..... - --.......- """"-..L'. -.,...-..,....- _._-~~