HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-18-1939 ~ :.. I--e I e .... (' ... R. M.JOHNSTON MAYOR " .. ~~ ~4 W. H.WURST CLERK AND TREAS. -" . ....... .. . .' ,.,.t .., <!LitlI nf (0 to t t ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS. CHAIRMAN J. M.ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR llinute of a regular meeting gf ~ity Council held vecember 18th 1939 Meeting called to order by Chairman at 7~40 P. M. All members present, lia.ygr and C!erk present. Minutes of last ~eeting read and approved, with exceptions to correct that part of cutting water service by ~ecember 15th if not paid. Letter read of Mr. Lester Harris dated ~ecember 14th 1939 in connection with the correcting of paragraph 13a of exclusion suit. alse a bill from Hr. Harris for;J25.00 for stenographic service etc. Mr. Argo moved and second Mr. Byyan to place bill underneath the other bills. Mr. Graves mgbed and second Mr. A~go to pay ~lorida Public ~etvice Co $36.25 and Public service fer Council room lights J4.50; Burgess printing press 32.85. lir. Kerr llDved and second Mr. Bryan to pay )30.00 to ~tate BaDk of Apopkn on truck note. Mr. Argo and,lir. Kerr was appointed a committee to get highest bids for the blue ~hevrolet truok with flnt body included. Mr. Kerr moved and second Ur. Graves to approve the .)25.00 that was paid to Mrs. Ira Akin on ~100.00 note. Goodfellows donation declined. Yr. Kerr moved and second Ur. ,Q,rgo tn charge the usual half year license to the photographer, being ~3.75 ' Mr. Agro moved and second Mr. Byran that the UityCGuncil amend t,he ordinance on rredicine shows with minstreals from J50.00 down to vIQ.OO for two weeks with the approval of the Uity Uouncil. Voted and carried. liir. Argp moved and second Hr. Kefr that the Clerk write Mrs. Pillans that check received in the amount of ';16.25 for 1939 taxes, but would not isstie a receipt until the 1938 taxes were paid in full. , \ 'Mr. Agro moved and second 1lr. Graves to' return check for ~p66.00 to the Seab~rad Railroad Co and state that the assessed value of property known as the Blue Goose tacking House remain as it is now set, and that to state that previous agreement with Hayor and Attorney is of no good and had no authority to do 80, and ask f~r a copy of such agreement. Ur. Brya'n and Lir. Graves were appainted RX to check lumber and other materials at tra~ler camp. 0Qllncil requested to get copy of ordinance from ./ipcpka for the disease · law t:l be rep orte d. ~here being no further busineas, Ur. Graves moved and second lire Kerr to a~jorn at 11:00 P. M. Attest:: / ~ C le r k. ~~ Uhairrran. if'!