HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-05-1940 R. M.JOHNSTON MAYOR e e W. H.WURST CLERK AND TREAS. ~ -1 aritll nf (@!n ~ t ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS,CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR Minutes of a regular meeting of Oity Counoi1 held ~ebruary 5th 1940 _ Meeting oal1ed to order by Ohairman at 7:30 P. M. All members present, Mayor and Clerk present. Minutes of last regular and adjorned meetings read and-approved, with the exoeptions of the Mayor reqllested to strike out the al10wancle..of mileage to Orlando mentioned in minutes of Meeting ~anllary i5th, Mr. Argo moved and seoond Mr. Graves that this be done. voted and carried. Miss Craig present to ask Counoi1 to pay $15.00 eaoh month to the Orange County Bedding Projeot, after due oonsideration Mr. Kerr moved and seoond Mr. Bryan to pay the $15.00, voted and oarried. Mr. Kerr moved Beoond Mr. Gr.&ves that Mr. Pounds be instruoted to sign cert- fioates or papers for the sewing room projeot, voted and oarried. Mr. Kerr moved seoond Mr. Gr.aves to pay Mr. argo $3.75; M. C. Bryan $1.25; $6.13 for thread for sewing room; Mr. ~rgo ~oved seoond Mr. Bryan to pay P. H. Britt, Jr '27.50 on tire aooount. Mr. Kerr moved second Mr. Graves to pay Lester Harris $12.50 on stenographio bill. Mr. Kerr moved seoond Mr. Grave .., to pay Florida Publio Servioe $27.5Q, all being voted and oarried. Mr. Bryan.:;~ ,., moved seoond Mr. Argo,to pal-~raDk Ka~e2, sheriff $21.23, Voted and oarried. Mr. Graves moved seoond Mr. Argo to table all other bill, voted and oarried. Mayor Johnston presented his veto in writing dated Febraary 5th pertaining to a resolution introduoed to Uounoi1 January 15th. Mr. Argo moved seoond Mr. Bryan to aooept Mayor veto and be made pay of minutes. Upon a vote, Mr. Argo and Mr. Bryan voted AYE, Mr. Kerr, Mr. eraves, and Mr. POllnds voted NO. Mr. Graves, Pounds and Kerr stat ed that this will be taken up further with an Atty Mr. Bryan moved seoond Mr. Argo that letter of protest signed by Mayor Johnsto dated February 5th be inoorporated in minutes, Mr. Bryan and Mr. Argo voted AYE, Mr. Kerr, Graves and POllnds '\Oted not to put into minutes. Mr. Graves moved seoond Mr. Bryan to have R. A. Kerr to put in a T at Mr. Farmers oorned and run water pipe ~orth on East side of Apopka road to Mr. MoCafferty's property, and that Mr. Bryan to take care of installing. Mr. Kerr moved and seoond Mr. GDaves to return to Mr~. G.S.Moore $25.27 to take up the 1938 and 1939 State and County taxes on the foreolosed Mollie Miller property. voted and oarried. Mr. Argo moved and seoond Mr. Bryan not to have money paid out by Clerk unless authorized by Counoi1, or if have to be paid, that the bill be presented at next regular meeting for approval. voted and oarried. Mr. Bryan moved and seoond Mr. ~~go to set offioe hours for Clerk from 8:30 A. M. to 12:00 oolook Noon, voted and oarried. Mr. Bryan moved and seoond Mr. Argo to allow Foots Vandergrift 4000 galona water and give him Uity Lioense free, and that he be re-appointed as fire Chief. voted and oarried. Mr. Argo moved seoond Mr. Bryan to reduce mileage rate from l2~ oents to .. 6~ for man using his oar. voted and oarried. ~ Mr. BJyan moved and seoond Mr. Kerr that Mr. Allen oheok water meter at Mr. . J. E. Whitakers. Mr. Argo moved seoond Mr. Graves that Marshall see all del- inquent water users to pay ourrent bills and at least 25% of old aooount. voted and oarried. (OVER) . e e ., - There being no further business, Mr. Kerr moved and. second Mr. Graves to adjorn. Attest: ~ ~ Olerk. (!dffF~ Oha irman . . I .) L