HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-04-1940 R. M.JOHNSTON MAYOR e e . .. W. H.WURST CLERK AND TREAS. , , \ e aritll nf (@!n ~ t ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE, FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS. CHAIRMAN J. M.ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR Minutes of a regular meeting of vity Uounoil held March 4th 1940 -Yeeting oalled to order by uhairma.n at a: 30 P. M. ./ All members present, Mayor and Clerk present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. mr. Argo moved second Mr. Graves to instruct ~lerk to answer letter of Uharles H. urww & Co dated February 27th 1940 that no refunding of bonds has taken p1aoe, voted and carried. Mr. Kerr moved and second Mr. ~raves to pay O. H. 'Pounds $3.72 mileage to Orlando. upon vote Mr. Argo and Mr. Bryan voted No. Mr. rounds voted AYE, this being oarried by majority of ~ounci1 to pay. Mr. Bryan moved second Mr. Kerr to approve payment of Brook Allen $37.50 and W. H. Wurst Clerk $25.00 for salary to Maroh 1st, also to pay M. C. Bryan ~2~ 50; C. h. Pounds :t'or thread for sewing r,oom . 80s;(; Mr. .....rgo moved seoond Mr. Graves to Pay Williams uhevro1et Uo $5.00 to apply on aooount, ~ also to allow Mr. Williams oredit of water will of ~10.20 and give a note ,., for $87.50 to Williams Uhevrolet Wo for balance of $102.50 bill. voted and oarried. ~r. Kerr moved seoond Mr. Bryan to pay W. M. Loppatcher $15.00 on gas and oil bill. voted and oarried. ~r. Bryan moved seoond Mr. Kerr to acoept 50% or $75.00 proposed by Mr. Bennett for water bill of the Sohom1's Gymnasium Projeot. voted and carried. Mr. Kerr moved second Mr. Graves to pay Mr. Argo $10.00 for making drag for streets. voted and,oarried. Mr. Bryan moved seoomd Mr. Kerr to authorize Clerk to endorse cheok from Board of Counyt Commissioners of $58.10 tB and turn back to them to apply on bill for patoh work on North end of B1mford Avenue, leaving balance of bill $120.03. voted an d oarried. Mr. Kerr moved seoond Mr. Graves to instruct Clerk prepare the C1earanoe Certifioate to Insuranoe Company in oonneotion with Ulerk's bond ood have signed by President of Oounoi1. Also that the ~tate Bank of Apopka be designated as a depository for all City Funds. voted and carried. \ Mr. Bryan msdedmotiondthat H. A. Emanuel water bill be corrected, there being no seoond to the mot~on was tabled. Mr. Kerr moved and seoond Mr. Argo to request the Mayor not. to appoint any member of the ~ity Counoil or other officer of the City to aot as a, speoial polioe. voted an d carried. \ A petition submitted by Mr. Bigelow signed by many of the vitizens of Oooee to employ a different attorney forthe Oity. Mr. Kerr moved and seoond Mr. Graves to look into the matter of disoharging Mr. Harris as attorney for Oity without first being paid for services rendered. Counoil appointed Mr. ~ Pounds, Mayor Johnston and Mr. -rgo as oommittee to ,contaot some lawyers in 41" Orlando to see what they will charge to handle the vity's business, also to oheok into the Harris bill. ( over) . .. e e j \0 e There being no further business, Mr. Graves moved seoond Mr. Kerr to adjorn at 9: 55 P. M. Attest: ~ ~k.' C!/Jf(?~ Ohai rma n. e e'