HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-26-1940 SS e e e R. M.JOHNSTON MAYOR e e W. H.WURST CLERK AND TREAS. - . . " aritll nf (@!n~t ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS, CHAIRMAN J. M.ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. W. GRAVES E. J, KERR Min~tes of a Speoial Meeting of Uity Co~noil held Maroh 26th 1940 Meeting Called to order by Chariman at 7:30 P. M. All members pres net , Ma yor and Clerk present Messers Akerman and Akerman attorney in Orlando were present to outline what they wou1d do for the ~100.00 annually mention in their let ter dater 'Maroh 7th 1940. Aft er they had answered nany question and diso~ssed along the lines of their duties when employed they ~.i.!~i~ exoused. Mr. Agro moved and seoond Mr. Bryan to employ Akerman and Akerman as City attorneys and then try to oompromise with Mr. barris as to his bill. Motion was p~t to vote, Mr. Irgo and Mr. Bryan voted AYE, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Graves and Mr. Pounds voted NO. Mr. Kerr moved and seoond Mr. Graves to have Mr. Barris o~t at next meet ing to gO% over his bill a~d see what outs he wo uld give. Being but to a vote of the Oo~noi1, Mr. Kerr, Mr. &faves and Mr. Pounds voted AYE, Mr. Argo and Mr. Bryan voted NO. Mr. Bryan moved that if any suit come up before another attorney is hired and before the Harris bill is settled that to hire and attorney to be ];Bid out of ea.ch Coumoi1men pooket. Mr. Kerr moved and second Mr. Graves that Mr. Bryans motion be strioken from the minutes. ~either motion being seoonded. Mr. Argo moved and ~eoond Mr. Graves, that both motions a.re out of order and that both motions be thrown out. Voted and Oarried. Mr. Kerr Moved and second Mr. ArgO' to approve the fo 11woing bills already paid~ stregtndepartment $15.93; water Dept.$1~75; Fire ~ept $7.55; Offioe Expense $4.20; Police ~ept $1.00, Voted and carried. There being no fuxther business Mr. Graves moved and seoond Mr. Kerr to adjorn at 9~15 P~ M. Attest ~ ~ Olerk. ~~~~ Ohairman.