HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-01-1940 R. M.JOHNSTON MAYOR e e , . W. H.WURST CLERK AND TREAS. . . .. e- aritll nf (@!n~t ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS. CHAIRMAN J. M.ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR ~ Minutes of a regular meeting of Oity Uounoil held April 1st 1940 Meeting oalled to order by Vioe-Ohairman at 7:40 P.: M. All members present exoept Mr. Pounds and Mr. Graves, Ma.v or S1 d Olerk present. Minutes of last regular and speoial meeting read and approved. Mr. Kerr moved and seoond Mr. Bryan to pay Mr. J. B. Asher $25.00 to apply on audit aooount, Burgess printing shop $4.00 printing water oards, M. C. Bryan $1.25 for wood a sewing room. Mr. Bryan moved and second Mr. Kerr to approve the payment of $37.50 paid to Br60k al1en for salary to April 1st also $25.00 to W. H. Wurst for salary to April 1st voted and oarried. '. Mr. Kerr moved second Mr. Bryan to re2ew note of Pounds Motor Company for i60.00 for 90 days and pay interest of ~ , Mr. Kerr moved and seoond Mr. Bryan to pay Iserman & Co $10.00 to apply on aoot. voted and oarried. Olerk ~ports the payment of $75.00 to settled the Sohool Projeot water bill, ~he Uounoil asked the Marshall to make another drive to oolleot all ourrent water bills and 25% of past due bills. Mr. R. G. Pitman present to get the sentiment of ~ounoil toward olosing street ~orth of present school proEerty in event they are suooessfu1 in seoureing the entire blook "An of Mar~on Park Subdivision for additional ~ play grounds, Oounoil instruoted Ulerk to write Mr. Warren Patriok at Sanford if he had any objeotions to ol~sing the street, Mr. Bryan stated that he would secure Judge Hutchins openion oq the olosing of street, and would report baok at adjorned meeting set bu vounoi1 and Mayor for next Monday nigh~ April 8th. Mr. Albert Barker present, and offered $75.00 oash for the blue Ohevrolet truok and would give retain title note for $75.00 to oome due July 1st 194). ~lerk read letter signed by Mrs. J. ~. Wiggins dated April 1st in oonneotion with asking Oounoil pB2mission to move thei~ present house to aHother lot Within the ~ity limits. Uounci1 instruoted v1erk to write Mrs. iggins and state that vounci1 bas no authority to say whether she oou1d or oou1d not move the house, and that she oou1d do as she pleases about it. ~ There being no further business Mr. Kerr moved and second Mr. Bryan to adjorn this meeting until Monday night April 8th at 7:30 P. M. At~~ . ~erk:. ~1oe- ChairmJn $ (n ~O