HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-15-1940 R. M.JOHNSTON MAYOR e e . . W. H.WURST CLERK AND TREAS. . . '" e aritll nf (@!n~t ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE, FLORI DA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS,CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR ~ Minutes of a regular meeting of City Co~nci1 held April 15th 1940 , by Chairman Meeting oalled to order/at 7=45 P. M. All members present, Mayor and Olerk present Minutes of last regular and speoia1 meeting read and approved. Letter read dated April 6th from W. V. Knott, State Tr~asu~er asking for approving openion for the $8,500. in Ocoee Bonds. ~he Oouncil questioned about who would,like1y have this openion, the belief was that Leedy-Vfueeler & 00 or the ~~Tv Bank Liquidator's offioe would have it. Better dated April 2nd from J.. B. Rogers, Jr attorney at Winter Garden in oonneotion with employing ~ City attorney. Oo~nci1 req~ested that this let ter be aoknow1edge d. Mr. Kerr moved seoond Mr. Graves to pay Florida Telephone Corp $4.35; Mrs. P. B. Olark $15.00 for cloth a sewing room. $37.50 to" Mr. Allen for po1ioe salary. Mr. Kerr moved secop,d Mr. Bryan to pay Florida Publio Service $27.85 for pumping, $4.50 for ~ounoil room lights and $12.50 for Street lights. Reports: The Committee that went to Tampa reported the fire truok was sold. A letter was read from City of Gainesville in oonnection with fire truok they have for sale, that ~hey wo~ld advise us after their vity meeting. Mr. Bryan stat ed that t he trailer camp was s~b ject for sale under the . Murphy Aot for $141.10 and that the Oouhoil sho~ld make an effor to prootet this property. After diso~ssion, Mr. Bryan moved and second Mr. Argo that from now on that the Counoi1 employ another attorney suoh as Mr. Akerman or Mr. Rogers to c6mee~n in and help us look after our business in a business like manner. The matter of the Harris bill was diso~ssed, The Council instructed the Olerk to write Mr. Harris to come out Monday night April 22nd at 7:30 P. M. to explain his bills. ~he Mayor called a speoia1 meeting for that night. Mr. Kerr moved and seoond Mr. Graves to give the Penni8s~lar Life Insurance Co. another years lioense for 1941 at ~5.00 providing thetr representative is a local resident of Oooee, this was d~e to over oharge for 1940 as having rIooal resident whioh the correct 1ioense *i is $5.00. (~r. Argo moved and second Mr. Graves to have Clerk to get from Clerk of \~ederal Oourt and Olerk of Circuit Oourt a oopy of all suoh Court orders pertaining to Oooee so as to have the on hand a t all times. voted and oarrieo ......-- e Their being no further busin~s Mr. Kerr moved and seoond Mr. Graves to adjorn at 9:10 P. M. ~~ ~""'1 . ~~ O+-erk:. Chairman.