HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-06-1940 R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR ,0 e " e , , W. H.WURST CLERK AND TREAS. 4 aritll nf (@!n~t ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS. CHAIRMAN J. M.ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR Minutes of a regular meeting of the Oity Oounoil head May 6th 1940. Meeting called to order by Chairman at 7~40 P. M. All members present exoept Mr. Graves, Mayor and v1erk present. Minutes of last regular and speoial meetings read and approved. Mr. Kerr moved and seoond Mr. Argo to pay J. J. Vandergrift $6.02 for expenses to Tampa to look at another fire truok, voted and oarried. Mr. Bryan moved seoond Mr. Argo that the pa. yment of the u1erk's lnd Marshal's salary to May 1st be approved, voted and carried; Mr. err moved second l~. Bryan to pay interest on note of $450.00 to the State Bank of Apopka for ninety days, amount of interest is $9.50 plus 25~ for past due notioe oharge by Bank; 1~. Argo moved and seoond Mr. Bryan not to allow bill of $3.20 to Mr. E. A. Murrav for one day in Court and mileage in Peter's vs Oooee exe1usion suit. e\ Moved by Ml".C. Bryan and seoonded by J. M. Argo that the Uounoi1 authDrize the payment of no bill until they had aooumulated suffioient funds, $141.10, to redeem our Reoreation Uenter now owned by the State under the Murphy Aot, oarried unanimously. Mr. Bryan moved second Mr. Argo to out the 1940 tax assessments 10% of the 1939 assessments, and use ~igures set by Counoi1 where buildings have been moved off, and on property where buildings have been built ainoe ~anuary 1st 1939. voted and oarried. Mr. Bryan moved seoond Mr. Argo to take up matter further to employ Mr. Emory Akerman as Oity Attorney to guide us in our levying of taxes for 1940. the Chairman left the chair refusing to return until the motion was withdrawl!..;:l the motion not being withdrawn the 0hairman left the room ~nd Uouncil disbanded. ~he Chairmn asked the Vice-Chairman to take the chair, which was refused ......ttest: ~ ~ Ole rk . . .