HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetters of Consideration for Mashall e . . . ,. " e Ocoee, Florida, May 13th, 1940. fro The Mayor and The City Council Ocoee, Florida. Gentlemen: I understand that your present ~tarshall, Mr. Brock Allpn, has resign0d to take effect May 15th, and I a111 d~sirous of this position, and bf';~ to file my application for same. I will appreciatE" your favol'able" considpr- ation, and if I should be appointed and apurovec1, I promisp you th8 vpry best service I know how to rpnder, and assure you I shall always try to do my duty without prejudice against anybody and without favor to anybody. I want to assure you all that while I will appreciate your e i'avorable consideration, at the saIne time, if I am not selecteLl. for the place, I will accept your decision without ill feeling. Thank you. Yours very truly, ~/ ~ ,; C'. .,//~/ (..1/..l_~-t:-':'--<..-^, e e e e R. M.JOHNSTON MAYOR e W. H.WURST CLERK AND TREAS. e . . . . , aritll nf (@!n~t ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE, FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS,CHAIRMAN J. M.ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR "I , c.~.~ affirm) that I will support, do solemnly swear proteot and defend the (or Constitution and government of the United States and of the State of Florida against all enemies, domestio tf~ , foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and al1egianoe to the same, and that I am entitled to hold offioe under the Constitution; that I wi~:.faithf~llY# perform all the duties of the offioe of-i"~ t of the City of Oooee, on whioh I am about to enter. So help me God." ~/fp~ Ap pr 0 ve d by /f:) I'V1A Gt-I. . - /-.... Ul, Ifl(~ Mayor -) .... This the 15th day of May A.D. 1940 , ..\\, e e .. e Oooee, ]'1o.ida May 16th 1940 ~o the Honorable Mayor and Oi 1I:y COllnoil Oooee, ]110rida Gent 1eme n: I Wish to be allowed to file my app1icalion With you for the position of polioe officer with duties in the city of Oooe e. e I am a tax payer of Orange COllnty, ~nd have 1ivedi n this part of the County for wixteen years. Before ooming here I was in the distriot of Birmingham alabama where I lived for several years. 1 have had four years experience as a polioe offioer and feel certain that I have had sufficient experienoe as a law enforcement officer. I am honest and have a deep conviction of doing the right thing. Thanking you for your oonsideration of my application for this post and assuring YOll of honest services should my app1isation be acted llpon faborab1y. I am Yo'urs very respeotflllly w: W W~~t/'- w. W. Welborne. e e e e l e . " , Ocoee, FloriQa, May 18th, 1!40. To the Honorable Board of City Commissioners, City of Ocoee, Ocoee, Florida. Gentllemen:-- Please consider this my application for the position of city marshall for the town of Ocoee. I have been a resident of Ocoee all my life; and I believe I know and understand conditions here as well as anyone in town. If you see fit to appoint me to this position, I pledge honest conscientious service, with full and complete cooperation with the city administration. '/Yo~rs very tA C. G. Sanders. :J .e e, .e R. M.JOHNSTON MAYOR . . . . .. '\ aritll nf (@!n ~ t ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE, FLORI DA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS. CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR May 20th 1940 Honorable Mayor and Uit y Counoil 00 oe e, .B'lorida Gentlemen: I wish to submit my app1ioation for the job as Marshal for the Uity of Oooee, I have had three years in law enforoement offioe. and I feel that I am qualified inhold ing this job if~~twCA appointed. Yours very truly 1v, 1)//1, /YJ1~ Vi. IvI. Meeks W. H.WURST CLERK AND TREAS. , I