HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-01-1940 - ,--- MAYOR . e W. H.WURST CLERK AND TREAS. R. M.JOHNSTON --- . , ~ e <!Lit1! nf (@!n~t ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS,CHAIRMAN J. M.ARGO M. C, BRYAN J. W. GRAVES E. J, KERR Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Oounoil held July 1st 1940. Meeting oa1led to order at 7;45 P. M. .All members present, :Pounds, Argo, Bryan, Graves and Kerr, Mayoru and Olerk present, R. M. Johnston and W. H. Wurst respeotfu1ly. Mr. ~err moved seoond Mr. Graves to acoept minutes of meeting as rea~ of ~ity Gounoi1, the meetings held May 6th, May 20th, and June 17th There were no meeting on June 17th, being not a quorum. voted and carried. Mr. Bryan moved and seoo~d Mr. K~rr to pay Mrs. P. B. Clark bill for oloth for sewing room projeot $16.70; ~orida Publio servioe $40.35 voted,and oarried. 1 . Mr. Kerr moved seoond Mr. Graves to renew :j3ounds Motor Company note for ,., $60.00 for ninety days and pay interest to the bank at Winter Garden Mr. Bryan moved and seoond Mr. Kerr to approve Clerk's salary already paid to June 1st, also to pay Clerk's salary to July 1st together with Mr. C. J. Farmer's marshall services from May 15th to June 3rd $45.00 and C. G. Sanders salary to July 1st $45.00 vo~ed and oarried. Mr~,p+rgo moved 8e~ond Mr. Graves to credit R A Kerr for his water bi11$37.19 1i1!ense and Modell- T 'ford truck on the amount the \;it y owes Mr Kerr for his bill to May loth amountin~ to $59.09 Olerk reports the payment of ~14l.10 to O. M. Gay, 01erk of Uirouit Oourt for State and County taxes under the Murphy Act~ on Recreation Center. Mr. -rgo moved second Mr. Bryan to acoept the 1940 tax roll assessment as ~de up by the Tax Assessor. this motion includes the signing and approving the certificates, both the tax roll and certificates in duplicate. Voted and carried. Mr. Argo moved second Graves that Mr. Bracewell be allowed to use the six inch pipe to be put under driveway, this being allowed to be used subject to it being needed by the City. voted and caried. There being no further business, Mr. Kerr moved and second Mr. Geaves to adjorn at 9:15 P. M. e Attest: ~/ /~erk. (J.?I-ffi~ Oha irrm n .