HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrder Denying Petition to Exclude Lands e e .....~.. . * ~. .- III 'lBl Cl.lOttrt COURt 'OR TBI llfIlflB .r~:D1CIAL OXRCUIT 01 1111 SrAtS or rLOiID~! IN AlU) lOa OlWlGi Cfl\trI'tJ. w~ tAW 01._ No. 1098" "., MA.DQl ~nTlH8. 301.' ~ lid 1W.lMa4 u(1 next. t;d.a. , mL a. .fiRS, I P.l.alatltt, r lXOL'OBI CIl SUD. -,a- e .. GIft CI OCOP1 & Mua1. 11>>&1 O"'.I'~,l- or 11.14.... . Def_ &fIt, . I . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ORtllR DD1..o.G ,mft. TO'EIlLtJDI ld1Ltf A!4' &OW. tbl_r6ay '?If 0... ..,.s..a .a ta.. ~ "..- 'j t1n&l ho"rl.ng ,atter ,~ to..Uon or t>> 1..... and Mk1AI .Tot.)~..41"., .. ~ca ,.. 1l<,\lqe. ~4~lt~ ~.un ,>-~ ,...rt " !' ' l ,". f, l ') \ <Il ~ ., ttuf UCU-nt "at 'eo\i1l1.-eJ..,. aDd th,. oourt. t1nd1Aa \hd 'hia " pro..Uas is )rW&ht purauaa\ to the prod.loa. at e.o.x.. 10'" an4 1010 nLp aN .11 p.aila1lale ..n .. UNJ1)Oftt.' . ( - t.tnIIl or .it)' oontaSd le.1 ,baA 110 Q,ullt1e4 4l1e'\O$'I, an" ", . the fGUn t1.tul1lla t.bat at the \1_ or '\he l.uUt,n1on of \hla ..1_1011 ,.....41na tM 01'7 .t 0...., a 71..14. lIWltelpal oor>>wlltiOl1 OOll,.SAeI 110 t'la11t1... .l..~. u.4 . ' " that t.h$r.tor. tbla ~rc>..d1ng 18 not ,pt2nda.1lll.e. 1IIIIIIii-.~..... .. ................. _... '-.'. It.C IS 'lHI1l1tT1Clf O;lIfsiIJSDll n S CJCUn ...' \Ae ]jArOjen1 a...r1..11. \he pot1t.tcm h.re1n. nautl1. tbl , toll-AI ....l'lbt4 ]AmAII 1".'-' 111 Ol'Ug. Oe.\1. rlc14a, ri... , ~ , IIII"'r . -..,... e _. e e e f l ~ r'" .~,. -j: ~ ;,,' ~ ... - ~. ,. l' " ..' .r: _ l," . '". j' '" . ".i I J.. " ~ .:~, '~. ~ "'1"-' ~: F' ,t nt o:t I'I't of 8H'tlOll 18, 'l...hi, II 8ft'\h. Ra.nae Ie au' .. Aft ..ludt4 trma ,. ...,.&t. 11il1t. of tbI 01\7.r Ooon 1ll tha pro-4lna. ..4 th.., t.h. p."lt.lo.n 1A 'hJa 0&11.. be 41_1...4.,..4 the ....ttllll4aat.-o.1v SO henoe wl\he'" ..., ana n..vel' 1 t. 0..'. to lMt;a-x.<< b7 t. Cl.'k. lXiNll end ORtJO'l1D 1&\ OI'lan4o, l1e14a. 0& ~1. 'he t. or J1.Il7, A.D. 1NO. l.~.~.~ ';~~ ~~ .J ~ - .....:......i........... --...:.... ...... .- .. __ u....... ~; ........... e '" .; r-, '" >to! I... ... L 1 Ii '. \, ;. ~. ~. ... . ,l .;r f' :-. '. , ij ~ ~f I':: ,.:-: ~