HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-15-1940 R. M.JOHNSTON MA VOR e tit W. H.WURST CLERK AND TREAS. . . ~ a~ <!Litll nf (@!n ~ t ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE, FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H, POUNDS. CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. W. GRAVES E. J, KERR e Minutes of a regular meeting of the Wity Oounci1 held July 15th 1940 Meeting called to order at 7:45 P. M. All members present, Mayor and Clerk present. Minutes read and approvedl of last regular meeting held July 1st. Mr. Bryan moved and second Mr. Graves to Pay Florida "Telephone Corp $3.75, U. G. Sanders salary to July 15th $35.00 and ~lorida Public ~ervice Co on account $36.95 Council requested to charge Mrs. Brooker one-half month water bill and insist on balance of bill at time she left here. voted and carried. Also requested Clerk to ,wri te the Jl'lorida Industrial Commission in oonnection with Workman's Compensation Insurance and give full details as to number of men working inoluding those working out water rents. Counoil requested 0lerk to write Secretary of State to supply us with a certified copy of the Amendment of City Charter and send it C. O. D. Voted and carried. Mr. Brwan moved secohd Mr. Gra~es that Mr. Argo. Pounds and Wurst be appointed as a committee to look over all papers to see what we have so as to determine what amount of millage to be set ~or the 1940 tax roll assessments, this committee to me ruesday July 16th at 8:30 A. M. vpted and carried. Mr. Argo moved second Mr. Bryan to file decision of Judge Smith's ruling on the 1~dge Peters vs City of Oooee exclusion suit. voted and carri There being no further business, Mr Graves moved and second Mr. Argo to adjorn at 9:20 P. M. voted and carried. . Attest: ~ ~rk o#~ ChairIIBn.