HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance Levying a Tax on all Taxable Property within the City from 1939-1940 r, f I f \ \ , . ~ AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX UPON ALL TAXIBLE PROPERTY WITHIN 'flm CITY OF o COEE, FLORIDA. FOR THE TAX ~YEAR BEGINNING NOVl1ffiER 1, A. D. 1939 AnD ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1940. VnD[REAS due and proper publication has been made of a certain ordinance of the City of Ocoee, :h'lorida, entitled "AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING AND ALLOCATING ALL REVENUE AND FUNDS OF THE CITY OF ooom, FLORIDA ]OR THE TAX YEAR BEGINNING ON NOTIMBER 1, 1939, AND ENDING ON OCTOBER 31, 1940" and WHEREAS said ordinance after said publication was duly and regular adopted and become an ordinance of said City, and a proof of said publication is hereto attached, now, therefore, ~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE cr TY OF OOOEE: Section 1- That a tax in the amount of 66cfmills upon the dollar of assessed valuation be, and it hereby is, levied and ass- essed upon and against all property within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, including property exempt from taxation for other than debt service: said tax heTeby levied is levied in full accordance and compliance with. certain Judgments with interest and outstanding past due bonds not reduced to judgment; and the proceeds of the tax levied b~this Section shall be used solely and exclusively for the payment ofdludgments, Bonds and Interest in accordance with said Resolut io n. Section 2- That a further tax in the amount of 5 mills upon the dollar of assessed valuation is hereby levied and assessed upon all property within the' corporate limits of tlw City of Ocoee, Florida which is not exempt from municipal taxation for the purpose of providing a sinking fund for .l!'ire and Water departments of said City under and by virture of the Constitution of the State of lnorida. Section 3- That all ordinances a..nd ];:arts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and they are, to the extent of such conflict repeale d. Section 4- This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon it s passage by the Cit y Council and approved by the Mayor. Passed by the Oity Council Aug. 19,1940 Chairman (SEAL) Approved by the Mayor, Aug. 19, 1940 .4.TTEST: ~Mayor, 0ity ofOcoee City Clerk, City of Ocoee. I: t ' \ J e e Y-/?-fLo , .~ "" "'.,. ...... i U ..r e AN ORDINAnCE APPROPRIATING AnD ALLOCATING ALL REVENUE AND :BUNDS OF TEE arTY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, FOR THE TAX YEAR BEGINNING ON NOVE1rHER 1, 1939, AND ENDING ON OCTOBER 31, 1940. V~~S the total amount necessary, as determined by the City Council of the City of Ocoee, Florida, to defray the actual operating and debt service requirements of the Municipal Government of said City for the tax collection year which begins on November 1, 1939, and which ends on October 31, 1940, is the sum of *188,660.45, AND; WHEREAS the total debt service requirements of said City for said year amounts to the sum of 4187,349.72, all of which said sum is to be levied and is now allocated and appro- priated to the payment of the principal and interest upon said City's Bonds and Interest, and; e WHEREAS THE TOTAL 1lliroUI~ necessary for the operating expenses of said Oity for said year is the sum of $2,300.00, .AND; WHEREAS a tax levy on all taxible real and personal property within the said City is necessart1y to be made in the~ amount of 665 mills, AND; \~S said tax levy will be proportionately set out and is now allocated as follows: Brown Orummer Judgment & interest - - - - - - -- - Meredith, Rodgers & Martin judgment & interest 6 - G. D. Howell judgment & interest - - - - - - Outstanding Bonds & Interest not reduced to judgment Sinking fund for water & fire departments - - Operating ezgenses - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 mills 430 mills 2 mills 221 mills -\- 2 mills 3 mills for use revenue amo unt : Total millage - ~mil1s ~~~ VnD&RE!S it is anticipated that there will be available and disbursement from the general fund of said:. Gi ty and funds from the following sources and in the following e Fines and Forfeitures - - - - - $ 100.00 Water rents - - - - - - - - 2,000.00 Lioenses - - - - - - - 200.00 ~2,300.00 ' AND; \TIr&REAS the expenses of the operation of said City to be paid from its general fund is expeoted to be as follows: Administration, all departments Notes Payable - - - - - - - - - W. P. A. Sewing room projeot- - i~1,470.00 650.00 180.00 $2,300.00 e I ; ,. a I ~ . I ~ \. e \ e e now, therefore, BE IT ORDAIImD BY THE ar. TY OF OCOEE Seotion 1- That the sum of $1,310.75 or suoh portion thereof as may be realized from the oollection of the tax,of 5 mills to be levied as aforesaid be, and the same is al100ated and appropriated to the full satisfa- otion of current debt servioe requirements for the year beginning Novembe+ 1, 1939, and in full oonformity with the tenor and effect of that oertain resolution of said City authorizing the' issuance of its Bonds of all issues. Seotion 2- That the sum of $2,300.00 or such portion thereof as may be realized from the oolleotion of antioipated revenue as above set forth be, and it hereby is, allooated and appropriated to the General Fund of said City, for disbursement in oonformity to the provisions of the Charter of said Oity during the tax co11eotion year beginning November 1, 1939. Seotion 3- That this ordinance shall beoome effeotive immediately upon its becoming an ordinanoe. Seotion 4- That all ordinanoes and parts of ordinanoes in conflict herewith be, and are, to the *extent of suoh oonfliot hereby repealed. Passed by the City Counoi1 August 19, 1940. '/ (!/JI(?~. Ohairman J In ~~t7 ~ ~,t, ~Cv0- {5 xl(/(/( e --- (SEAL) - '" Approved by the Mayor, August 19, 1940 6!y?:! ~ AT ~Eq~:_ - ~t/z::d~ dity U1erk, Uity of Ocoee. e