HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-04-1940 R. M.JOHNSTON MAYOR e e W. H.WURST CLERK AND TREAS. , e <!Litll nf (@!n~t ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE, FLORIDA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS. CHAIRMAN J. M.ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR e! Mintltes of a regular meeting of the t.:ity t.:ouncil held November 4th 1940. Meeting called to order by Chairman rounds at 7:80 r. M. All m~cbers present; Mayor and Olerk ~resent. Minutes of last meeting held October 21st read and approved, voted and carried, lilerk: present check from Home Owners' Loan Corp of .)49.50 in payment of 1939 tax on Mrs. Elizabeth Burke property, Lot 20 of Block B Of Marion .i?ark 0/D. Mr. Kerr moved second Mr. Grav~s to accept check as paid of 100% basis. voted and carried. ~ Mr. Kerr moved second Mr. Graves to pay ~lorida 'elephone Uo ~4.35; Mr. Argo moved aecondMr. Bryan to pay R. U. Johnston .)15.00 fOl. hayor's IJompensation, Also' the lMa:rsM~J..apd vlerk salary t 0 l~ovember 1st and .32.72 for exnress on water samples; Mr. Kerr moved second Hr. Bryan to pay $25.00 to J:W. 'Graves to apply on Coupcilman compensation account, Kerr, Bryan and rounds voted AYE, Argo voted NO. carried. Mr. Kerr moved seond Mr. Bryan to pay ~outhern Meter repair ~ompa.ny $25.00 on Meter account, voted and carried. Mr. .Argo moved second Mr. Kerr to pay current light bills when sufficient f~nds are on hand. voted and carried. I Mr. Arg~moved and second Mr. Bryan to stick to the ordinances of Ocoee . in regard to the, City election of tomorrow, November 5th. and not permit anyone to vote only those who are registered or have been satisfactory restored to the registration book. voted and carried. Mr. B. A. Murray presented written openion from Lawyer Harris regarding the Murray's right to vote in this election, after the reading of the openion by the Clerk. motion was made by Kerr, second Graves to go by Harris openion in restoring the Murray's back on the registration book. Kerr, Graves and Poune voted AYE, Argo and 3ryan voted NO. , -- 1Jppn:1the sm.tisfaction of the UOll.ncil ma.de know of Hr. & Mrs. U. M. Braswell, Mr. Graves moved second Kerr to restore them to the registration book, voted and carried. Mr. Graves moved seoond Mr. Bryan to open polls for Uity election to be held November 5, 1940 at 8:00 e~lo~k and hold open ll.ntil 7:00 P.M. voted & Carried. Mr. Bryan moved second Mr. Graves to pay 01erk and each inspector holding polls of IJity election $3.00. voted and carried. Clerk reported that a cheqk from the County Road and Bridge Department of $158.66 representing the "'ity's share of taxes collected. also that Oll.r check for the balance dll.e the 00unty for re~air work on North end of Blmford has been sent in, being $120.03. Mr. ..irgo moved seond Mr. Graves to authorize the marshal to run water line across north Bluford Avenue to his property. voted andaarried. Council instructed Clerk to write the Telephone Uo. or call Mr. ShelJpard abollt fixing cllrbin they broke at M:rs. Weathersby's. A mmeting of the COll.ncil is called for Wednesday night 7:00 for purpose of canvassing the v~tes of the regular Gity election to be held November 5, 1940. also at this' meeting the re-orginization of the Oouncil will be in order. re ( Over) L- ...j ,e e , There being no further business, the Gouncil stood adjorned at 9::00 P. M. Attest: J ~ t' Clerk. {}_Jf1}~ Oha. i rrna n . ,e " - e, J