HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-06-1940 SS . e I ,e R. M.JOHNSTON MAYOR e W. H.WURST CLERK AND TREAS. e , <!Litll nf (@!n~t ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORI DA COUNCILMEN C. H. POUNDS, CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. W. GRAVES E. J. KERR Minutes of a JPECIAL meeting of the City iJotli1cil heldi:,.November 6, 1940. All members present, :Mayor and Glerk present. Meeting called to order at .70;.15 P. 11. bJl. Chairman C. H. Potlnds. Meeting called for the purpose o~ canvassing the votes of the Gity election held on November 5th, 1940 in electing the 00uncilmen to serve for a term of two years. After Clerk reading the Tally ~heet of the Inspectors and Glerk nf Gity election polls. Mr. Graves moved seconded Mr. Kerr to accept the count by each candidate for election as follows~ J. W. Graves 87, C. H. Pounds 82, E. J. Kerr 74, ~. c. Bigelow 140, J. Z. Eckles 139, John T. Minor 141. Messers Bigelow, Lckles and Hinor being elected for a term of two years each were sworn in by taking the oath of office given by H~yor Johnston. After the old members retired from their seats, the new member came in. Next_,was the re-organi:zation of the Council, Mr. Argo moved second Mr. Ec\jles to elect Mr. .d. C. Bigelow as Chairr.an of the COll.ncil. Messers Eckles, Argo. Minor and Bryan votes AYE Mr. Bigel~r voted NO. Hotion \'las ~ carried. Mr. ~igelow taking the Chairmans chair. Mr. Argo moved second Mr. Eckles to nominate Mr. M. C. Bryan as Vice- Chairman, upon a ~ voted of the ()ouncil Mr. Brya.n was eJe cted as Vice-Chainnan. , Mr. Arp-:o moved second Eckles to Appoint \1. H. wurst as clerk for another term. llpon a unanimOlls vote of the COllncil \.. H. .Vurst was elected Clerk TreasureE and Tax Collector as stated by Chai~an. Mr. Argo moved second Mr. B~ran to appoint C. G. Sanders as marshal for another term, upon an unanomplls vote of the 00uncil1i1r. Sanders was appointe Marshal. d Atto~ney Emory. J. Akerman of Orlando present. The Council asked Nr. Akerrran to review his letter to Mayor Johnston on date of I\.'iarch 7, 1940. wherein Mr. ~kerman stated that he would represent Ocoee as City Attorney for an annual retainer of ylOO.OO payable quarterly at the end of the quarter. After due oonsideration of Ur. Akerma,n. Mr. Jyran moved, and seconded by Mr. Minor that vIe accept Hr. Aker!:lan' s pr~position as \.iit.y attorney for one year. voted and carried unanimously. ulerk was instructed to write a letter of acceptance. There being no further Adjorn at 7:55 P. M. .l tt est; {P4'~ ,~k. business, ror. Byran moved and second Mr. Eckles to Mk~~ ~ e, e e OITY OF OCOEE OOOEE, J'la., ~.#~ (or att1zm) ,:bat I WiU l11pport, proteot and defend the Constitution and governme..nt of the United State and o:f . . . -.q-,..., do solemnl, swear the state of Jlorld8 against all enem1... domeBt1~ Gr . . foreign. aDd tJBt I Win bear true :ta1th. lOJBltyand alleg1.arsoe to the same, 8nd that I am entitled to holbl office ander the Oon8titut1on; tbat I will faithfuJ.ll p.rt"1"!Il all the duties of the offioe o:t OO'OllOnMAIf of . thfa Clt7 of 000.., on whloh :t am about to enter. 80 hel>> e me lod.'" Approved br me thio the ~~~ '-T-- -- . L"?Z.- 19-::;:::;: da, .. 1 ,f lovembel", .6.. D., 1940. j],fh1e !le.yr>!', 01 " of Oooee, Fla., e, . 'e OITY OF OOOBE o OOEjJ;. li'la., , I I I ~r.~~~ .' ~& ' 11 I , I . I .40 aolcmuJ.1 Dflf18.11 <<.1' .ma) tbat X ftU1 .upport. proteot end dC!tteDd the o..etltlltS..ra aD4 gOftnmeltDt of the Un1ted ::ltste aDd 0:2 the state of B'lodda Gga1nR all .1lem1e8. dcmeotlo oZ' to1'elsa. aDd tlB t J w:U1 b_r tns ~lt~ loJ8l.tr aD4 al1ogianoo to the 1IlmtJ. and that I am entitled to hoM " o#J,oe ander the OollatltatloDl tJs8t I td.ll 1h1t~ plh'tom all tile ditties of t Ie o~loe of OOUlIOXl.l(AJ ot tbl 01', f)f oooe., OD Ibl0h I am about to eDter. 30 bel>> e .. lod." ..9~ .1 ~ ~ ApPftft4 bV me thie the I ,6 = c1ar of Bovem\er. A. D., 1940. (/f.(Y\.~ Karol', 01t, of oooee, B'le... J e - e --, e. . CITY OF acon OCOEE, :ns., ,...., /7) C I f3A 4 ~1 r7.V'- & ~ ~ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I ?dl1 support, protect and defend the Constitution and governmeent of the United State and of the State of Florida against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to ho~d office under'the Constitution; that I will faithfully pErform all the duties of t he office of COUJNCILMAN of the City of Ocoee, on vmich I am about to enter. So help me God. t. #~~~ Approved by me this the of November, A. D., 1940. -u:. d::= day 1i1n'~ ' Mayor, City of Ocoee, Fla.,