HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-18-1940 ""1 -- ~~_....- - R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR Er.ay S. AKERMAN ATWEV, ORLANDO. FLA. c. G. SA.RS MARS .. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. <!tit!l nf (@!ntt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW _CHAIRMAN . M, ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR e e ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE, FLORIDA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Oity Oounoi1 held November 18, 1940 Meeting oalled to order by Ohairman at ?:OO P. M. All members presenf, Mayor, Clerk, Attorney Akerman, aDd Marshal present. Minutes of last regular meeting of November 4th and Speoial meeting of November 6th read and approved, voted and oarried. Clerk read all ourrent bills, Mr. Argo moved seoond Mr. Bryan to approve the payment of $25.00 already paid to Marshal for salary to November 15th, and to have Clerk redeme taxes on property looated lot 21 Mi1la Add, $1.36, and lot 30x60 in SW oorner of lot 18, Blook 3 of Oooee, ,5.43 voted and oarrie d , Mr. Argo moved seoond Mr. Eokles to table all other bills to next meeting, voted and oarried,. Mr. Argo moved second Mr. Eoklea to buy all gas from one plaoe at a time eaoh month and have bill rendered at the end of the month, voted and oarried. Mr. Barker present to see about getting some polioe proteotion at his statton, as he serves gas, drinks and sandwiohes in the streets of Oooee, being that the property he has leased is exoluded by Court order, Attorney Akermn stat ed that he would have something definite by next meeting. Oouno il Mayor Johnston brought up matter of/oontinueing to work along with the Garden Club1 ~. Argo moved second Mr. Bryan that the Oounoil would oon- tinue their support as far as possible, voted and oarried. Mr. J. B. Asher, C. P. A. pr.sent to present a prioe on having the Oi ty books audited for the past twelve months,to Ootober 31st, 1940. Mr. Bryan moved second Mr. Argo to authorize Mr. Asher to do the work not to exoeed $40.00 voted and oarried. ' BOTE: The Oounoil agreed to pay Florida Pub1io Servioe Company $137.50 for street lights out of Oooupational lioenses oolleoted for 1941. Mr. Argo moved seoond Mr. Eokles to pay Olerk, Inspeotors and Deputy $3.00 eaoh for serving at the pollS of the Oity eleotion held November 5th 1940. this money is to be paid when money oomes in, Voted and oarried. Mr. Argo moved seoond Mr. Bryan that the Olerk lay aside $8.00 per month to take oare of Attorney Akerman retainer at end of eaoh three months. vote d and oarried. ~ There being no further business Mr. Argo moved second Mr. Eok1es to sdjorn at 8:55 P. M. Attest: J ?~erk. . , Ud. ,~- V'\ o~n ....:.J