HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-16-1940 R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR EfI1iiliY S. AKERMAN AT.EV. ORLANDO. FLA. ., c. G. SAWRS ,MARS ''''. . ..,:;::.. ....9 ~ \ \ W, H. WURST t l\. CLERK AND TREAS. .) COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW ~ CHAIRMAN I. M, ARGO . C. BRYAN J.Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR <!tit1J of (0 tOtt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE, FLORIDA e Y1nutesof a regular meeting of City Oonnoil held Deoember )6, 1940 Meeting oal1ed to order by Chairman at 7:30 P. M. All members present, Mayor, Clerk, -ttorney ~kerman and Marshal present. Minutes of last regular meeting held Meoember 2nd 1940 was read and approved, Voted and oarried. Mr. Argo moved second Mr. Eokles to pay bills as read, and as follows: Florida Telephone vorp.,a.75; o. G. Sanders polioe salary to Deoember 15, $25.00; CM~ Gay. Clerk '14.22 for taxes on lot aoross from Post Offioe; 'lorida Publio Servioe, $41.25 for pwmp, 112,50 for street lighta and $1.50 for oounoil roo! lights '0 Meoember 3rd, 1940. All voted and oarried. Mr. Argo moved seoond Mr. Eokles to oontinue water oolleotlons'on same basis as started for the next three or four dars, those who have not complied with the minutes of last meeting, then the Marshal to oomp1.y with the ordinanoe. voted and oarried. Mr. .rgo moved seoond Mr. Bryan that beginning with the first of the year to put every water user on $1.25 minimum basis,o~naGto install meters every time we oan. voted and oarried. ' Mr. Argo moved seoond Mr. Eokles not to allow any body to park on Trailer oamp grounds until it is offioially opened for that purpose. voted and oarrie Mr. Bryan moved and second that Mr. Vandergrift to oontinne fire ohief for Oooee under all ,oonditions disoussed in this meeting, voted & Carried. Mr. Bryan moved seoond Mr. Eokles, that Mr. Bigelow to bny one oot and mattress for jail, and one pipe renoh for marshal. voted and oarried. Mr. Bryan moved seoond Mr. Minor to make ohange of truok bodies, from dump body to flat body. voted and oarried. Mr. Argo moved second Mr. ~ryan to instruot marshal to pick up some one to assist him in bnrning off vaoant lots, voted and oarried. There being no further businessm ~r. Bryan adjory at 10:00 P. M. oarried unanimously. 'Attest: ~. p~ / Olerk. moved and seoond Mr. ~ok1es to " ~ (0 A\~ ~,~-- ~r:ma\;. ~ ~e .. -. l'