HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-06-1941 R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR EM. S. AKERMAN AT"V, ORLANDO, FLA. C. G. SA~_S MARS~ W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. Qtitll nf (@!ntt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS COUNCILMEN __ R. C. BIGELOW ~.- CHAIRMAN . M. ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR -e.. l'~ ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST ..-~ OCOEE, FLORIDA ----- ------ Minutes of a regular meeting of City Counoil held January 6, 1941. Meeting oalled to order by Chairman at 7:00 P. M. All members present. Mayor, Attorney Akerman, ~~erk& Marshal present. Minutes of last regular meeting of Deoember 16, 1940 was read and approved, Voted and carried. . -_._~ Mr. Eokles moved seoond Mr. Argo to pay bills as read and as follows:--------. Florida Publio ~ervioe $3.00 for oounoil room lights, W. H. Wurst Agent $16.40 for fire insuranoe on C~ty Hall for one year,~lorida Telephone Corp. $3.75 for January phone rent, Emory S. Akerman $16.67 for advioe and attending meeting for November and ~eoember 1940, R. T. Blaok $lJL5 to fix matteress for jail; W. H. Wurst $5.00 for oot and matterss for jail; W. H. Wurst $20.00 for half of money advanoed for Audit oity books from November 1st le39ctobG~tober 31st 1940; Ira 4iken $10.00 to apply on $75.00 note; . and $ to Florida Publio Servioe for meter deposit for oounoil room lights, all voted on andoarried. Also in this motion to inolude the payment I of $8.60 to L.C.Conrad for fire turot battery, Wurst salary and C. G. Sand~rs salary to January 1, 1941 of $25.00 eaoh. voted and carried. Mr. Agro moved seoond Mr. Eokles that Mr. Akerman to prepare a oertifioate of obedienoe on the G. D. Hiwell oase, voted and oarried. Mr. Bryan moved seoond Mr. ~okles that Mr. Oarreker be authorized to tare down aD~nrebuild the J. W. Graves house, voted and carried. No aotion of the Counoi1 was taken on Street to B. M. Reeves house. Counoi~ ask Clerk to write letter to Florida Publio Servioe Company, thanking the for Ohristmas lights. A meeting of'the Oounoil was set for Wednesday night, 7:00 Oelook Mr. Bigelow was requested to oonfer with Mr. Beggs oonoerning getting mail earlier to Oooee. Mr. Eokles volunteered to put looks on trailer oamp door. Clerk reports the payment to taxes on lot on whioh the fire department is looated, ~or year 1940 of $1.39 Mr. Bryan and Mr. Sanders was asked by Counoil to oheck water meter at Sohoo~ Mr. Argo 'moved seoond Mr. Eokles ~or Mayor Johnston to investigate of the rental of the Winter Garden grader, and see Mr. Fain about grading streets. Mr. Argo moved seoond Mr. Eokles that papers andreoords of the City of Oooee are not available to anyone exoept Oitizens or tax payers of Oooee, Other to apply in writing. There being no further business Mr. Eokles moved seoond Mr. Argo to Adjorn. Attest: r-- ~~~ Cler k. J~~ Uha i rma n . ;:. _. .......