HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-07-1941 r I R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR EM.S. AKERMAN ATT . ORLANDO. FLA. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. . c. G.SAN.S MARSH Qtitll nf (@rntt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW _CHAIRMAN . M. ARGO .M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR e. . ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE, FLORIDA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Oity Council held April 7, 1941 Meeting called to order by Chai~mna at 7:30 P. M. All members present. Mayor and vlerk present. Minutes of last regular meeting held ~mroh 17, was read and approved. Mr. Bryan moved seoond Mr. Argo to pay all current bills as follows~ J. Z. Eckles $l8.00 refund for the purchase of meter boxes and lids; W. C. Bishop $2.25; ~lorida Telephone Gorp $3.75; ~lorida Public Service Company $42.55; Iserman and Co $1.50; lra Akin $l5.00 on note, leaving balance of. ~50.00; R. A. Kerr $4.25, also to approve the payment of the Glerk and ma+shal salary to April lst 1941 $25.00 each. Voted and carried. Mr. .L!.okles moved second Mr. Bryan to adjust Mr. Allen pipe bill from .08i to .07~ per foot. Voted and carried. Mr. Argo moved seoond Mr. Eckles to allow Mr. Kelsey to remove the large limb in front of his store at his expense and assume all liability, rod to move all trash and burn same. voted and carried. Mr. Argo moved second Mr. Bryan that the Ohair appoint a ~treet, Water and Santiary committee, and to act only in case of an emergency. Carried. Mr. Bryan moved seoond Mr. Eokles to adjorn this meeting stbjeot to call by the Mayor, to revise oertain seotions of the Charter, and to attend to other matters that might be brought up. Voted and carried. It was. brought up in Counoil about have a olean up week. The Mayor is to issue a Mayor Proolamation to proolain the Week of April 19th 1941 as olean up week, and to post notices. Voted and carried.. , Mr. Minor moved second Mr. Argo that Mrs. Hennes be charged with $l.25 mil!1imum water rate wi th the regular water rate. voted and c;arried. Mr. Bryan moved second Mr. Argo to instruct City Attorney Akerman to get in touch with bond people to see about getting a refunding program start- ed of our bonded debt, but make no committance. voted and oarried. Mr. Bryan moved second Mr. Eckles to instruot marshal to haul sand to fill in at E. B. Brown's drive way, to put slag in low place beside the curbing at Mrs. Fanning's apartment house. And also instruct the marshal make is report of water collections every Saturday morning. voted and carr . ied. There being no further business, Mr. Eckles moved second Mr. ~rgo to adjorn until further notice of the adjorned meeting. At/~- "l er k. /({!/~~r/i'- Cha irma. ri.