HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-21-1941 - R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR EM. S. AKERMAN AT Y. ORLANDO. FLA. c. G. SANWRS MARS W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. ....: - BEAUTIFUL LAKES I GOOD FISHING GROUNDS Qtitll nf (@rntt COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW . CHAIRMAN M.ARGO ~. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T, MINOR .. ~.. Lf ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE, FLORIDA Minutes of a regular meeting of City Council held April 2lst 1941. 11.eeting called to order by Cha.trman at 7:30. P.M. All members present, 1myor and ~lerk present. Minutes of last regular and special meetings read and approved. Eo current bills up ~or payment. Letter from Dunn-Israel Company read, vlerk instructed to answer it. Mr. Akerman's letter read, stating that Mr. Lasseter was out of town until first of next week. Clerk called to the attention of the Council of the copies of final Decrees of the four cases brought before Judge ::irnith, which was against J. H. Bowness, G. T. Massey, Mrs. Leahr-F. Brown. c Mr. Argo moved second Mr. Echles that the water committee with the Chairman to find out how many water customers up Sanders and Fain's way, and that would put up water deposits. ~nd to report back to vouncil at next regular meeting for consideration, also in this motion, for the water committee to reccommend to the uounci1 where to put wate~ meters and to get a bid to install them. Voted and carried. Mr. Bryan moved second Mr. Minor that the Street committee to meet with George C. Brown to find out on what basis to lower the curbing at his station, Uouncil is favorable toward lowering it. Voted and carried. Mr. Argo moved second Mr. ~ckles that the marshal follow out the instruction of Mr. Loppaoher, which is to read meter and cut off, and have Mr. Brown s put up $5.00 deposit. Voted and carried. . Mr. Bryan m~ved second Mr. Minor that Mr. Argo to have authority to drag streets when he sees fit. Voted and carried. Mr. Argo moved second Mr. Bryan that the ~cooter bikes be assessed with same license rate as rinks etc. $lO.OO per year, voted and carried. Mr. hckl~ moved second Mr. Bryan that olerk to see Hall Packing co ahout colleoting water rent and having water cut off at packing house. voted and carried. Council agreed that cans should be taken up at McI~tyres corner', and that Mrs. stanford be asked not to place any can there. There being not further business, adjorn at 9:30 P. M. J.:. Mr. cues, IDO? Mr. ~~n Argo to Atte;~~ 7' U1erB: .