HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-19-1941 R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR E~Y S. AKERMAN A.~EY. ORLANDO. FLA. C. G. SA__RS MAR~ W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW . CHAIRMAN J. MARGO M.C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll nf (@rntt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE, FLORIDA Minutes of a regular meeting of City Council held May 19th 1941 Meeting called to order by ChairIW.n at 7:30 P. M. All members present, Mayor, City Attorney, 1furshal and ulerk present. Minutes of last regular and adjorned meeting of ~~y 5th read and approved. Mr. Argo moved second Mr. Eckles to pay bills as fol10ws~ Western Auto Store $l.75; Mr. J. S. Eckles $8.00 for fixing door on water tank; $6.00 to Mr. G. w. Ostten, street work; $1.39 express on water samples, voted and carried. x Letter :t"rom the Board of County Commissioners dated May 7th read, Mr.."J~:rgo moved and second Mr. Eckles to turn this letter over to Uity Attorney to look into this and advise the Council. voted and carried. Mr. Eckles moved second Mr. ~"'rgo to set ..I!'riday afternor'\n May 23rd to put the 20 poundS of chlorene (HTH) in water tank and follow instructions. voted and carried. Mr. ./j.rgo moved second hIre Hinor to let v'Jater committee purchase one dozen sets water meter connections and one-half dozen cut offs, voted ana carried. ~ORTS: That the coild on the road scrape got wet, and if they ~nt dry out will likely have to buy new ones UNFINISlillD BUSINE~S~ That the water committee to contact school officials to see about who will be responsible for water used there this summer, months of June, July and August. lng# BUSI~ESS~ Council instructed Clerk to write Bob Salmsbury a letter to callan the Mayor and' talk it over about hauling dirt f'rom the street or private property, and tlmt he was discourteous when first approached. voted and carried. M.r. Eckles moved second Mr. Bryan that Clerk write each water user t.hat beginnfung June 1st 1941 that there will be noY callectecJt..going from house collect'ing water rents, and for them to pay in this office during honrs of 8~30 A. M. to l2~00 noon Mr. Argo moved second Mr. Eckles to pay the street man his weeks pay of $9.00 each Satmrday morning. voted and carried. Mr. Argo moved second Mr. Bryan that the Ordinance setting up a new re- istration b~ok be passed on its second reading. voted and carried. r,lr. Bryan moved see ond IAr. "Argo that t he Tax asses s or be i nstr nct ed to .i? roc e e din ma ki n g up .mrn: t a~ roll for 1941, vat e cl a. n d cs rr i e (1 · Council asked vlerk to make up some t"orms for building permits. e e ..-::" A~~ Olerk. business, Ur. Lckles moved second lIr. ./ ~~. .-irgo to There being no further adjorn at 9~55 P. M. ....ol