HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-07-1941 R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR E~Y S. AKERMAN A."'EY, ORLANDO. FLA. c.G.SA_RS MARS. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW _CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO M, C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll nf (@rntt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE, FLORI DA Minutes of a regular meeting of ~ity Council held July 7th 1941. Meeting called or order by Chairman at 7:30 P. M. All members pre8ent; Mayor, Clerk, Uity Attorney and Marshal pre8ent. Minutes of meeting held June 16th read and approved. e Mr. Bryan Moved second Mr. Eckles to pay all current bills as follows~ Mr. Bryan for water pipe work at Minor apartment, and laying pipe North of Mr. Black to ~anders and Jernigan $9.60; Western ~uto Associate ~tore for battery $3.70; Roy E. Burgess printing 1000 water cards $3.75; Florida Public Service Uo, power & Lights to July 2nd $44.65;L. A. Johnson Gas & Oil for June $10.30; E. B. Brown~ Gas & Oil $16.44; Florida Telep~one Corp. $3.75 for July phone rent. Voted and carried. Cluncil instructed Clerk to follow instruction of Urummer & Company's letter of June 30th. ' Mr. Bryan moved second Mr.'Argo that lette~ and check from Akerman, Akerman be turned over to Mr. Akerman our Wity attDrney for further this letter and check was sent llS with the intention of paying 1938 taxes on the W. A. Patrick property. voted and carried. Mr. Bckles moved second Mr. Bryan to take the insurance policy on the plate glass in the Marshall building, now being used for corrununity clinic. voted & carried. premium for one year being $11.90. - REPORTS: Mr. Argo moved secand Mr. Bryan to letLcommittee continueLlto,-act on makingt up 6:fsigns']at..' t-he _ town limi~s~::with authority to act. voted and carried Mr. ~rgo moved second Mr. Eckles to write uuperintendent qf A. C. L. RR at ~anford for agreement to run pipe line under railroad to ~anders and Jernigan property North of Railroad. voted and carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Council asked for a letter be v~itten M~. S. R. Scott, stating that the Town has no money with which to run water line to her prope- rty located on East half of lots 42 and 43 of block 4 of ~own of Ocoee. carrie NEW BUSINESS: Mr. bckles moved second J1r. Bryan to have a man to cut grass d from M.r. l!'armers down as far as necessary, the marshal was instructed to put a man on this job. voted and carried. Mr. Bryan moved second Mr. 'ckles to ask Mr. Bigelow to see about getting lOO more austrailian pines to be set out about town at rate of l5i each. voted and carried. A committee composing of Messers Argo, Bryan and Eckle8 was appomnted by the chairman to inspect pavallion at trailer' camp for purpose of extending i:louth and \Jest wall, with authori ty to act. vot ed and carried. Mr. ll.rgo moved second Mr. Eckles to flttnish two men for one day to help clean hyasinths from cove in lake by trailer camp. voted and carried. Council instructed ulerk to post three notices setting July 21st, next regular meeting fo hear complaints as to assessments for 1941 tax assessment roll. after which the assessments will stand confirmed. and to notify each of those by letter on which the assessments were raised. voted and carried. Mr. Argo moved second Mr. ~ckles that Mr. Akerman our city attor~ey to handle the Bill of Complaint, styled B. D. West and atbers, asking the Vourts to prohibit the City from assessing property excluded in the future. and for Mr. ~kerman to report back at next meeting,what he thinks should be done. voted and carried. There being no further business, Mr. ~ckles moved second Mr. Minor to adjorn at 9~30 P. M. Dial & handling, and 193~ e' ( 0 VER ) ~