HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-21-1941 R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR EMA S. AKERMAN ATTWV, ORLANDO, FLA. c. G.sANAs MARSH" W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. ~ .,.".., Qtitll nf (@rOtt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW __ CHAIRMAN MARGO . C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE, FLORIDA Minutes of a regular meeting of Vity Council held July 21st 1941 Meeting called to order by Vice-vhairman Bryan at 7:30 P. M. All -members present except Mr. Minor; Mayor and IJlerk present. Minutes of last regular meeting held July 7th read and approved. Mr. ~rgo moved second Mr. Lckles to pay bills as follows: (Emory S. Akerman $25.00 for 2nd quarter of retainer fee; and W. H. Wurst agent 011.90 for Plate Glass Insulrsnce policy for plate gJa ss window in marshal block being used for comI!111nity clinic. Voted and carried. Mr. ~rgors motion to approve the payment of marshal salary to July 15th for ~25~00 _ _ .Council instructed lilerk to anSYler letter from ,j!'elson, attorney for the Fla . Pipe & Supply co. in conne cti on wi th ~~l5. 00 due .t he pipe supply co. tlepts.liounoil agreed that the signs at Uity limits to read. OCOEE, Speed Limits 30 miles; Counc~l also agreed ~or Mr. Bigelow to continue the investigati~n of more trees. ..1 eports of the l.iornrni ttee on the trailer camp pavillion is to set ~outh and West walls to edge and leave two end plates. Mr. =rgo to have I road-scrape fi~ed. Mew. Business: Mr. Eckles moved second Mr. ~igelow to adjust Mr. MurTay's watej bill to a.mount of previous nl8nth of ~1.49 upon reco:rrnendatinn of water committ. ee. voted and carried. ~he ~treet committee was referred to drain ditch by I ~.L. H. Bennett to lower the bottom and power to act. BEING NO COMPLAINTS AS TO .. 1941 ASSESSl1EN'l', THEY NOW STAND CONFIRMED. lerk reported that no May .tlank statement has to this date been received. The Sanitary Committee was authorizec by a motion t"rom Mr. ,i;\.rgo and second Mr. Eckles to stop up drain line from one :tJlurray's house to ditch, this.iS to be done within a week. voted & Carried. Mr. Vandergrift present to ask the 1J0uncil to pay .25~ per week to the boy Scouts to clean up lot after picture show on ~aturday n~ghts, motion ~ns made by Mr. .!;.ckles and second litr. --rgo. voted and carried. Mr. -rgo m'"lved second Mr. Bigelow that the committee to investigate and see about getting aid from the Government to help on fire equipment in case of emergencies. Voted and carried. Mr. Bigelow rnflved second Mr. .c.ckles to cancel the (;51.00 old bala9ce outstanding on 3.Z.Fields water account. voyed and carried. Mr. ~ckles moved second Mr. Bigelow that a water me~ter De put at C.O.Wright. voted:snd carried. Mr. Bigelow Goved second Mr. Qckles to set Mr. J.D. Kessler water bill IOr June to 01.50' upon reccomendntion of water c~mmittee. voted and carried. Mr. Argo moved second Mr. Digelow that marshal to take along wrench and cut off water of the att~ached list of names if they do not pay up. ~here being no rurnher business council adj~rned subject to call meeting for Monday night July 28th at 7~30 ~. M. . .l.ttest; / ~~ vlerk. Vice-Uhairman Bryan. om, e, ~ . r- e -' --- e A. I. Barker Mrs. L. Brooklyn R. R. l€ nham H. M. Kitchens rloy Kitchesn W. M. Meeks Dewey Horwood J. H. Porter B. J. Bpeers T. B. Trait t Mert ice 1/ eat hersby H. A. EmiInuel J. M. Gra:ft on Ze11 Harper -' E. J. Kerr R. A. Kerr J. V~. McIntyre ]I. H. NIn gui re II. B. Pounds J. J. Vandergrift J. E. Whitaker. - e >',