HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-04-1941 R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR EM. S. AKERMAN "TT.V, ORLANDO. FLA. C.G.SAN_S MARSH_ W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. Qtitll nf (@rntt. COUNCILMEN R. C,"SIGELOW . CHAIRMAN . M. ARGO . C. BRYAN ~J. Z, ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS e. . ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE, FLORIDA WELCOME TOURIST ~[inutes of a regular meeting of City Council held August 4th 1941. ].~e et ing called to order by Chairman Bigelow a t 7~ 45 P. r. Cbuncilinen present; Btge16u, Bryan, Argo and ~ckles Mr. Argo made motion to accept minutes of reg~lar meeting held July 2lst be a)lJroved as read up t ("1 special meeting held July 2&nB_, I!1oti'1n secondeC by rlr. Bryan, said motion voted and carried. Mr. Bryan moved to wil)e off the ',;>8.45 charged to J. J. Vandergrift, ("1weing to the inaocuracy of the meter, seconded by Ur. ~rgo, v'1ted and carried. Mr. Argo made motion to ~ay all current bills and as ~ollows: M. C. ~ryan ~~'7.30 for cement work on ditch at L. II. Bennett prrperty and t'inish laying water pipe to ~anders and Jel1nigan property, ';10.75 tr J. J. Vandergrift for eas and nil for July; and ,}45.85 be a.r?)rived f",r viork all("1wed on '\7ater rent~ during June and July, motion second by lir. Eckles, voted and carri~d. lire Arg~ moved to have dOD~ put'in rear of ~DSt Office, by cutting down a window to be u.sed for a rear entrance to :.cost Office, !,htian secnnded by ~r. Bryan, voted.and carried. Mr. ~rgo made motion to chlorinate the water at the tank by putting in 30 pound of chlorebe as Saon as possible, and that Mr. .i..:.ckles to pick up the chlorene at the. Howard Grain Co. price .)12.00, hhtion nas 8ec'1nded by Mr. Eckles, moti on was duly voted upon and ca11ried. Mr. .Argo m"yed that the remaini.ng water .!?ipe in Marian }lark available, be taken up tr be held in tact in case nf any emergencies, this to be done now while the J)roperty is in narrle ~"lf State. motinn seconded by Hr. 3ryan '. voted and carried. . I~r. Argo made motion that Mr. Messler Imve the job moving the garage from trailer camp over to water tank ~t his expense, and give him permission to UGe Uity trl1_ok, motion was ::;ec':loded by l'Lr. Eckles, v':ltecl aoel carried. After the rea2in~ of the minute:...; af the adjorned meet ing held July 2g,nd 1941, Mr..t>.r60 rna.de mDtian tlw.t they be duly signed and acce.f?ted, Hr. Eo~;:les see onder. the mot ir n, anel uj)on a vote of the ent il'e C Duncil, the motion was carfied unanimously. After there being nC' fU.rther business, LIr. Lcl:les Lloved tn acljonrn, \':11ich motion VIa.::; aac')ndeJ. by },:r. Argo, voted and carried. 8aid meeting adjourning I at 9:g8. P. M. ~ Attest, ,\, ~~ ~~~~ ~ Clerk. Dha ir ma n.