HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-18-1941 R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR EM" S. AKERMAN AT"V, ORLANDO. FLA. C. G. SAWS MARS W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW ~ CHAIRMAN M.ARGO . C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll nf (@rntt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA ~ WELCOME TOURIST Minutes of a regular meeting of the Cit~ 00uncil held August 18, 1941 The Council was called to order by Chairman Bigelow at 7:30 P. M. Councilmen present; Chairman ~igelow, Argo, Bryan and Eckles. Oouncilman Minor absent. Minutes of regular meeting held August 4th was read and approved, carried. Mr. Eckles mad e motion to J?ay all current bills and as follcivvs; J. I. J ernigan :~l7. 09 scraping street s; c. G. Sanders ~?25. 00 sWiary to .ti.ug. 15th; J. Z. Eckles ~12.00 refund cash paid Howard Grain Go. for 30 pounds chlorene" Florida Public ~ervice Ol.50 for Community Venter lights; Florida rublic ' Service ~)33.85, ~:tor l:mnping, ::.itreet lights and Council room lights to Aug.lst; .!l'lorida Telephone Uor.p. .;~3.90; Gulf Oil Corp. ~2.58; upon sec~~d by lilr. 'Bryan Oouncil voted upon and carried. REPORTS: Mr. Eckles reports the signs for corporate limits ready to put up. UNFINISHED BUSINE;:,H3: Mr. Eckles reccornmended that Ml'. JJudley to go ahead of scrape with cut-a-nay to cut up street in order to shape up better, the street committee MI'. ..<irgo was auth"Jrized wi th power to act, !dr. Bryan second, voted and carried. Clerk instructed to write Capt. ~atterson to see about grading up State road #22. Mr. Argo moved that Mr. :gckles to dispose of the brick that came out of the Post Office, motion was seconded by Mr. Bryan, carried. ~Mr. Eckles made motion to have all available pipe taken up in Marion Park, .. and to authnrize the water commi ttee t') buy some second hand pipe reasonable and that Clerk to issue check :ror the pipe, and to run water piLJe line to I.irs. .-3. .d. Scott lJrOperty, lilr. Bryan sec'lnd the motion, voted and carried. mrs. 1. L. .Dudley present to ask Council to pay for the lights for the community center. Mr. Bryan made motion to pay these bills as l'"\ng as it is operated under present conditions. Mr. Eckles seoond the motlon. Upon the vote of the Uouncil Ur. Bryan and l,lr. Eckles voted AYE. Mr. . rgo voted NO. I motion was carried by majority vote, and SJ ordered paid. Mr. Eckles made motion to app~inte a man from town and a member of the councill to cnntaot the citizens 0 n other side of lake abont get t ing hyasinth from the i lake. Mayor Johnston was a~pointed to act fat the Oouncil. and to rnrnish two men for a trial day, Mr. ~rgo seconded the motion, voted and carried. Mr. Art:;o made moti~n to permit Mr. Dadley t_o lower cLlrbing in front of his i new hou.se to about 3 inches of the brtck, IVlr. Ecldes second the motion,carried Council discussed a few of the jobs to be done oyrthe' new. marshal, it was stated that the marshal job wpuld be a side line, and 'that he must l"lok after pumping TIater, installing meters, catting grass, cutting on ~ater when parties move in and out,~rfiost of all to get the required delJosit of :;5.00 for dwelling clearing streets in case of trees Qr brush falls. a There being n~ further business, seconded by ~r. Argo, carried. Attest~ ~ ~ \i lerk. 1.11". Ecl-des nnde motion to adjorn. motion Chairma.u. .J