HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-02-1941 R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR E. S. AKERMAN AT 'Y.ORLANDa,FLA. C. G.SA~S MARS.... W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW e CHAIRMAN . MARGO . C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll nf (@rntt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUfl/DS ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORI DA WELCOME TOURIST Minutes of a regular meeting of ' the uity Oouncil held ~eptember 2nd 1941 The ()ollncil was called to order by Chairman Bigelow at 7:30 P.M. Councilmen present; Chairman jjigelow, Argo, Bryan and Eckles. Councilman Minor absebt. Iainutes of_last regular meeting held August 18th ap~roved as read, carried. Mr. Argo made motion to pay current bills and renew the note to Pounds M:otor Compan~. of ~~30.00 for/ ninety days and pay ~~1.00 interest, the bills as follows: ~,>4. 80 toM. C. Bryan for pipe Ii ne Wo rk; Winter Gqrden Hardware 00 $5.86 f~r water pipe fittings; ~lorida TelephDne 00rp ~3.75 rent and .50~ toll calls; i/. C. Bi sh9P . r/5~ fix t ire for truck; 1. 1. Dudley for mowing and harroYling street s \~28. 50; J. Z. Ec kles .,;)9.00 building signs put up at City limits; ISermnn & Co ~5.80 water pipe fittings; .J. Z. Eckles .;~71.22 to refund cash paid out for 399 ft Iff" wat er pipe from \john on Mchy ~o. this motion second by Mr. Bryan to pay these bills. voted and carried. e The Council agreed to ~dace the two signs at the City limit line on Winter Garden roact and out on Orlando road. Also asked Mr. Bryan and Uayor John- ston to continue to work toVlard moveing hyasinths :from the lake. (;auncil asked Clei~k to write a letter to the State rnad department at .Je Land to grade the state road :22 through Ocoee. 1tr. Argo made motion that the MEW or and Clerk to ~ro'per1:Y sign up the agreement prepared by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad va, after making the correctinn as t~ where the water pipe is laid, instead of as shown on the blne-print. being in the middle of the street. voted and carried. Mr. lrgo move to 6rant permission to hire Kessler to erect signs in direction of trailer oamp, providing he complies with the new ruling Df the State road department. seconded by Mr. Eckles, Voteel and carried. . Applioations for the marshal job to commence wi th September 15th 1941 were read. Ur. ....rgo made motion to put all five of the ap:)lications aside to be acted upon when vouncilman Minor returns, and at that time a special meeting will be called to oonsideT each of the apDlicati9ns. rn~tion was seconded by Mr. ~ckles, Voted and carried. mhere being no further business Mr. Eckles ITade moti~n to recess this meeting subject to call rn d for the purpose of examining application for the marshal job. second Mr. Argo. v~ted and carried. At~~ Clerk. 0hairman. e, ~ .