HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-15-1941 R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR E_V S. AKERMAN A.T.HY, ORLANDO. FLA. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. c. G. SAWRS MARS Qtitll nf (@rntt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW e CHA.IRMAN J. M. ARGO M.C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR e' e ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE. FLORIDA MinQtes of a regQlar meeting of the Oity OOQncil held September 15, 1941. The Conncil was called to order by Chairman 3igeloYf and 7; 30 }J. 1',11. COQncidrrnen present; Chainman Bigelow, Minor,~Argo and Bryan. OOQncilman Eckles was absent. MinQtes of last regular meeting held September 2nd read and approved. carried Mr......rgo made motion to J:lay all cm7rent bills with the excel1tions of the two small bills being nit properly e.K. ed, bills are as follows; M. C. BlJyan $12.60 '\t/ater IJi1?e line 'work;, POQnds Motor 00, ,}2.60 :fur plugs for road scrape; O. G. Sanders $25.00 police salary to Sentemehr 15th 1941- Akerman, Akerman and Mc:E.'wan ~~25.00 for retainer fee 0[1 0. D. West ct:l.se; .l!'lorida Public ;;)ervice 00 ~2. 65 for .)ower nnd,lights to t:cpt 3:cd. $19.60 allowed for Wtl rk on street on wat er rents and ..}1.90 for Ylat er department. ca.shc pl1,in I"lnt "\n express for water sam.f.lle:J. Upon a sedond from Hr. Bryan, them~ti"\n was v~te~ and carried. J.l&OldD;;)~ that some one has moved the sign place Bt the city limits Oll.t on the Orlando road, and that the water pipe line is completed to MrS. Scotts pro pert y. . UNFINI~HED BUSlf~SS~ Motion from Mr. Argo to accept bids fr~m anyone to move hyasinths from Starke la!.1;:e. motion was seconded by III'. Minrr, voted & c Mr. argo moved to order six rebuilt water meters from the Southern -arrie Meter and repair company QJ ~p5.00 each, sec~nd by Mr. Bryan, Voted and carriec Mr. Argo made motion to have water committee to connect up water pipe line to tra!bler camp sa that one water metteI' will be sufficient, Mr. Minor seconded the motion, voted and carried. Mr. Bryan made motion that the street committed have to ditch opened up to rain off the water standing in street by the trailer camp. lilr. Minor secf'lnd the motion,V"\ted [; Carried. Mr. Argo moved that the v1erk write letter to Mr. Goggins v~th the IT. P.A. in Orlando as read ~rom a prepared letter in connection with a try to get a project for Ocoee. Second Mr. Bryan, voyed and carried. Mr. ';..rgo moved the t the Olerk send a not ice to ththse discD.ssed in thi s meet ing that they must pay up their wat er bill oy ~enTef!lber 22nd or tha t the marshal cut them 0 ff, and n at to take a.ny e'xcu.ses. -Mot i ~n \las secn nded by Mr. Minor, vpted and carried. There being no further bQsiness, 1.11'. Argo movecl second Mr. Bryan to adjorn at 10::15 1:'. M. /- ~ Att;WM~ /p' Olerk. Chairman. j