HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-1941 R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR EM" S. AKERMAN AT~Y. ORLANDO. FL.... C. G. SAN~S MARS'" W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW e CHAIRMAN ~. M. ARGO .1. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll nf (@rntt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY WELCbME TOURIST OCOEE. FLORIDA Minutes of a re3ular Deetin~ of Uity Gounoil held Oct~ber 6th 1941 The UD uncil "l:'!as calle':! to nrder by Cha irnan Di, ~el.,Vl c.. t 7::::;0 P. M. Cou.ncilrr,en present; 0hairman 13i!;elow; Min!"r, ....!.cltles, J.rl~('l and Bryan. .il.bsent none. Minute:J of last Teb.tUar !'.Leeb.l1..j held loJe":Jtember 15th 1941 reo.(' and Bj,J)l'''1ved. v"1ted ~ carried. Mr. -rSo mde llioti.,n t" ~ay all current bills as read, sec"nded ~r. Eckles voted nnel carried, bills are. as f~llDv{s: J. L. ~~rgD ,?1.02 t'J refund cash paid :for garts on rnud :Jcra;Je; J. ;J. Vandergl'ift .)1.79 i:;as and oil; .1. C. Bishop .;22.02 f'Jr 0a8 CJ oil )18.07 streets and )4.25 water clept; J. I. Jernisan \?12.00 grading stJ:eets; Enf1rp ..;I. Akerrnan .)25.00 for 3rd qual'ter rete,iner fee; L. C. Conrad }8.18 street (le:;!t; .Jl'lorida ~lele)hDne vor.r.') .)~-3. 75; Ilinter Garelen Hardware CD ~;I.lO water cut-off; 11,. ill Kerr )39.75 for ''later tlel)t. aCCQlwts in f'ull to September 24th 1941. e r":he ChD.irrna.n D,;:p.,inted Messero .(.\.rgo nnd Nin"1r as a cOh1.'TIittee to see 1.11'.. Bennet t.., '\7"11'1: 11') A. fixed am" lmt f!'\r the seh'Hll wat er rent. ~.., I. :Barker J:'resent ta see ab.,ut l?aying in "1De-half ",f C"1l1nty ~icenGe :to 0it:y Uou.LJcil ,askecL kr. .akerrl1an his "1:)enion, he reported that he W~llld check tlp "n the le~al ~Dints and rep8rt back at regular meeting af (\ct.,ber 20th. Mr. J. ~. ..e.":el:.;ey as!::e(l for \-yater be cut in t~ HI'S. .daker bl1.ilding direct fr~m stl'eet to building, DotUlcil instructed marshal to install it. hr. E. A. Murrai pres net to see the Uouncil abnut ~resenting himself on ~r about Octnber 18th to l'e0ister for coming city election t~ be held Hovember 4th, after much discussi~n, the Ununcil agreed t", all~w kr. Utlrray to register if and when he he supplied affidavits from Oitizens 0f Oc.,ee as t., time of his residen~cy established. Mr. l1ckles moved and second I\ilr. Bryan to P.,st the names "f th"se -strilten froD the regilStration b"lok at this meeting, who ro:e as f~ll.,ws: "\1. T. Cox, Horace Hurst, H. lie Mnore, Hilda MD0re, E. Peavy and Jimmie Heyn~lds. Voted and oarried. /1 The MaYDrl s Pro'clamation to be posted \-vi th the names nf Ins~ectors and \.ilerk are as follwls:: J. 3. Teston, 1'. J. Hew and ,I. B. nateen as ins.Jectors and G. C. Spurgeon us Clerk . Mr. --gro moved sec~nd Lr. 1:.:okle8 that the v[)uncil to write t., Hr. ..LJhillips d a letter ~ extend to him sym~athy and hope fnr a speedy recovery. voted CarriG Mr. .~:ggo r'lade moti,..,n to have 1.11'. Akerrnan to draft a letter to Mr. I:Iarris to temporarily pos~one the sale of ~r. Johnston's property being advertised for sale in early November this year; and that 11r. Harris advise by letter that he will not offer the property for sa1~, motion sedonded by lir. ~ckles, v"lted and carried. e There be in,g no further business, 1,11'. 1!;okle8 nade motion to adijarn, second by Ur. Bryan. meeting adjorned at 10:40 ~. M. , .It test.. :;., ~7'f?~"..-.tA- ulerk. Ghairman