HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941 Notice of Intention to Seek Office R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR EM. S. AKERMAN AT Y. ORLANDO. FLA. C. G. SA~_S MARS.. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN eJ. M. ARGO . M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll nf (@ rntt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE. FLORI DA I do hereby file notioe of my intentions to seek office of OOUNO~lIAN of the ~ity of <'ooee, :florida subjeot to 'the will of the voters at the regt1lar 01ty eleotioD to be held lfovember j/th 1941. Signed @ ci ~ OVvVM OCT 22'941 I do hereby file notice of my intentions to seek office of COUNOILMAN of the City of Oooee, jlorida st1bjeot to 1t.he will of the vot ers at the regular 0ity eleot ion to be held liovember 1ith 1941. e S1gned P &~~ . P/~ /&> -\y;>-1L! I do hereby file notioe of my intentions to seek offioe of COUNOILMAN of the Oity of Oooee, lPlorida subjeot to the will of the voters at the regular Oi1iy eleotion to be held :November ~th 1941. S1gnedJ,. C. {)2f/ tX- (J/V )1 oer 2 ~ 1941 . I do hereby file notioe of my intentions to seek offioe of COUNOILMAN of the Qity of Oooee, Ilorida subjeot to the will of 'the voters at the regt1lar 'iity eleotion to be held :November "'th 1941. . Signe. e e e 19- _. Time, Week Ending EMPLOYEES NAME e e . ..- - 1 O?c~~<-JIi _tf/~ ';7,/7'1/ !-.- Cuz;r- 0t~- - - . · I ;f..--luJ-f ~ c::?'IlUt':u_,-cL#. · _ · Cc;;; C;...< I"~ 4L~ A' C /'1, ',( I -;. ~ .: ...;' I ;J), v-, 4, ~:.q /. . ~ ? .1~1.- Ifl ~ e