HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-03-1941 R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR EM_ S. AKERMAN "T,.V, ORLANDO, FLA. c. G. SAWS MARS W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. Qtitll nf (@rlltt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW ~ CHAIRMAN .- J. M. ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR e - ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE. FLORI DA Minutes of a regular meeting of ~ity Oounoil held ~ovember 3, 1941. The Oounoil was oalled to order by Chairman Bigelow at 7:30 P. M. Connoilmen presBot: Chairman ~igelow, Minor, Eokles, Argo and Bryan. Absent none. Uity Attorney, Mayor, Clerk and marshal present. Kinutes of last regular meeting held 00tober.20th and adjorned meeting held Ootober 24th was read and approved, voted and oarried. Mr. Argo made motion to pay all ourrent bills and as follows: RoY Phillips marshal $25.00; R. M. Johnston $15.00 Mayor's oompensation from ~QTember 1st 1940 to Ootober 3lst 1941; J. M. Argo $l2.50 Counoi+aan compensation from January 1st 1941 to Ootober 3lst 1941; \~Jtin1or Padgett .50s{ for oleaning shoW lot for two Saturday nights @ 25sf eaoh. Akernan, Akerman and MoEwan .7.50 attendanoe in Court Oooee vs Johnston oase. motion was seoonded by Eokles, voted and oaTried. Mr. Argo moved that the agreement with Atlantio Ooast Line Railroad \.io. dated Ootober 23rd 1941. be duly signed up by Mayor and Clerk, ~eoond by Mr. Bryan, voted and oarried. Whe following is the Railroad's form~of Minutes: Extraots from minutes of m~eting of City Counoil of the City of Oooee, j1lorida held on the 3rd day of ~ovember 1941. RESOLUTION Be it resolved by the Cit y vounoil of the City of Oooee, JI'lorida in regular meeting assembled, that the Mayor of said City be, and he hereby is, authori zed to enter into an agreement with the Atlantio Coast Line Railroad Company, and to sign same on behalf of said Vity, whereby the said Railroad Company g'vesand grants unto the said City the right and privilege to lay and main- tain, f~r the purpose of oonduoting wa*er, a line of li-inoh galvanized iron pipe aoross the right of wasy and under. the main traok of the Atlantio Coast Line iailroad ~ompany at Oooee, ~lorida at a point 309 feet southwestwardly, measnred along the oenter line of said track, from mile post 25 (Kissimmee mileage), as ~ore fully desoribed in said agreement, wht~h agreement is dated Ootober 23. 1941. fhe C~unoil 1nstruoted marshal or Olerk to oolleot $5.00 from Pease Paoking house for water deposit 88 did with the Norma ~rnit Corp. Ir. Argo moved to have limbs o~t from oaks in front of Mrs. Hennes and hitaker property, seoond Mr. okles, voted and oarried. The Counoil agreed to open ~olls tbr the regular ~ity eleotion ~o be held November 4th at 8:00 oolook a~dM~laad olose at 7:00 P. M. The COunoil instruoted marShal to @eoure men who is in arears with water rents to throw dirt from lake shore drive over on shoulders by the lake. There being no ~urther business, Mr. Eokles made motion to adjorn, seoond Mr. Bryan. meeting olosed at 8:55 P..M. Attest: ~ ,~. UhairIIBn