HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-17-1941 R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW e CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR e .~ E~Y S. AKERMAN ""'EV, ORLANDO. FL..... c. G. SAraRS MARS" W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. Qtitll nf (@rlltt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE. FLORIDA "OATH OF OFFIOE" "I.~. o:~ do """'" solemnly swear (or affirm) that I w~ll support. protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States and 0 f the Stat e 0 f Florida against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear tru faith, ,. ,",' loyalty and allegianoe to the same. and that I am entitled to hold office under the constitution; that I will faithfully perfonn all the duties of the offioe of~ of t.he "'ity of Ocoee. on Yfhich I. am about to enter. So help me God." dt;- Approved by me this / 3 day Of~ 19 4-( · (ff.7rJ~ ' (I; ~~ R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR . COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M.ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR . I Ie .... EIv1AV S. AKERMAN "T~Y. ORLANOO..FLA. C. G. SA~S MARS..., W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. Qtitll nf (@rntt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE, FLORIDA WELCOME TOURIST OATH OF OFll'IOE 1'1, J. M.. Argo do solemnly m?ear (or affirm) tba t I will support, proteot and de:f'end the Onnati t lltioll and government of the united States and or the Dtate of .l!'J.Drida against all enemies, domel:itio or foreign, Ooud that I will bear true fnith. ~oyalty and o.llegiunoe to the Bflme t and thet I am entitled to hold offloe under the oonstitution; that 1 will fal thf11llr perform all the duties of the offioe of Conn,,;]mAn of the Oi'ty of Oooee. on \\hioh I am about to enter, Sp halp me Gold. n Approved by me this of Kovember (l:1n C1f I f' 17th day 19 4l . ~. C'~d- R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN . J. M. ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR . e E~ S. AKERMAN AT~Y. ORL.ANDO. FLA. C. G.SA~S MARS'" W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. Qtitll nf (@ rntt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA WELCOME TOURIST n A TH f! Jr r. !l;r-I mr "1 M. C. BryaD .....--.. ............... ...............................' ..-- ~~ do 6rd.or>mly 8\'100r (!)t" ~fflrm) ~-........ tlID. t I nill l1!1P.P"Tt. :r>l'oteo11 rn.ld. de~'c::m;l tho Croat! t nti on and 8OvOJ.'l'IIDont of the Un1 teu ata te$ o.nd o:f the state .,,~ l~1J.o11.tla aga1nst 6.l.1. cnet;;)'!.em. do3tlt'ltla or f~:!'e1~!1. Q.."ld. tb~t I 172.11 bee.rtruo :t..)1 th. J.ny~~l'ti anct ollot)1(1ncc tt the sorA:. &lh; ttat I fJ.tn anti tl.I'.!\1 t~, hold ,f~ioe ufl(.'e!' t he ()!'n~t1 ttltioo; that I will 'tnlthfllUy per'form 8.11 tho dutios nf tho ~t"flce o.t,.- CDunq1~_q n:t the 01 tl o:f o~ooe. "c '.7hi!!h I roIl nb n u.t t n p.ntur. 3D .ool!, me Jonif'd.. " _O/YLIL,(]5~ _ Approved by me this...... 17th J _001 0:_ I ~ovember ~9 41 -..........,.....,...--.,---~....~ ".................-. . .~L- ~lnjf()r. r R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW ==-".. CHAIRMAN e\J. M. ARGO . . M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR I. i'. e- .~ EM. S. AKERMAN ATT9v, ORL....NDO. FLA,' c.G.SAN_S MARSH. W. H. WU RST CLERK AND TREAS. Qtitll nf (@rntt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE. FLORI DA OATH of OFJ!'ICE WI, e: 12.. l/?~ do solemnly swear (or a f1'i rm) that I will s~pport, proteot and defend the Constitution and government of the United States and of the State of j~or1da against all enemies, domestio or foreign, and that I will bear tr~e faith, loyalty and allegianoe to the same, and that I am entitled to hold offioe under the oonstitution; that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of ~~ of the City of Oooee, on whioh I am abo~t to enter, Sp help me GO~d.. Approved by me this / 7~ da}' 19" I ~.c, U,,,, A/\/\ J~ of ~ . ~c~.~, .~ Sworn to and subsoribed befere me this l?th day of November A.D. 1941 ~~u~ _ ~~. :XI; /1- /7- '17-- .... ,... .::::-- - ", ~~ , - - e e ~. I - , '-. e 'J e Emor9S.Akerman Alex Akerman.Jr. O. Beverle9 McEwan Akerman. Akerman & McEwan Atlome~s and Counsellors at Law NewlIld Buildi"6 Orlando, Florida November 17, 1941 P. O. Box '2686 City Council City of Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Gentlemen: On November l2, 1940, the City Clerk advised me of the action of the City Counsel on November 6, 1940, appointing me as the City Attorney for the City of Ocoee for one year. This appointment was based upon a letter dated March 7, 1940, outlining the terms of employment. This contract can. be renewed as of November 7, 1941, upon the terms and conditions of the 1940-4l employ- ment,providing the annual retainer be raised from $100 to $120, payable monthly, at the end of each month. EA/mdl _ ----01 Jh /;v~ IU; J- -- $~ ~ at ~ -;j ;W-/lJ":-/f'f/ t1-.2}-~~t~~ .t.tn ~ -- - j :::t4't:t!f-7~1. "0 .f1 J ~ /r1~ ~ .t.tT7J I It' J ~ _ / ~ W; I, V', rTJ II 1'........fJ ~. , / ~ j ?- -0' ~ e2.l.fo 'r .. J?/l ~ ~ - -J/ z,rr ~ ~ -7-- -~- ~(lf___~_ (, 7 I, ~ y~ . ).,1 · ~ /? :T~ I II J.'j _'t Irf ~ aa t ;lJ-.,.~ f:d: r -b~ ~ (ft~ /tJ."" /. t ~ .t;Jt.t!::t:~ _ I. IF" _ __ _ . _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ oJ ~, () 3 :..,... e. . ,J ,/~ , /J - ~. - e e ~ ~ .~.~ ~~ cjV-:+ d ~:~ ~ q y~~~~ " - - I ~ ("/ .v-76"\ - - - .j f. t 7 -- "- Jr-:!~. ~._I;t-,.riJ_ ~ 7 "-7J:'~ ~~-j tu.._ - J-.~tf , 1'_ _ If _)'valL:, _ , ~ 't 1'1 - I, ,_ ~ ~ .;t-r ,/0 I, II ;" ; / ~ Jf ..2 () I" J.J ~ .$ ~ -f-)V~ ~ ~ '~11 ~ ;(~ - ~ @~ ~ l7. ~() -it /.r ~ -fn:' Flr.JuVu 15:"" - ) 1 - - - --r ~ - _ __,~o ~. t? f / '~ 1J~ ./~ 't J,1 I, ) 7 t ~7 t ~J" A-~ II I, _ a-7JPf' ~ _ _ __10 · J.~ , ,.(.'0 - - -- - - _. - -- - - - - _v J_.1 'I L ~ ;. ,... "'-.....- - e . - R. M. JOHNSTON', MAYOR E. S. AKERMAN ......T. Y.ORLANDO, FLA. C. G. SA.S MARS W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN .J. M. ARGO M. C. BRYAN :J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll nf (@rntt ORANGE COUNTY j BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE, FLORIDA..... WO.dH OJP OIFIar "1 C. G. Sanders . ..... -. 40 ..... selemnlr swear (or affim) .~ tbst I w11l 8UPP.rt. protcat and defend the Oonstitution and' governmen't of the United Ste.tee f-J.nd of the State of Florida ap1nn all enem1ea. domestlo ar foreign. and tnat I will bear trnE:f'alth. lo:val'tJ' and allegianoe t. tbe same. and that I em entitled to hold office under the oClntltl tut1ol1J tbat 1 Will f8i th~llr perf:om all t~ dl1tiea of the etf10e of SPEOI4-L POLIOE ~t the v:ltr .t Oot". oa whS.e1l1 am ab.u.' to enter. Se he1p me God." C ~~'f ~_~r-~t4 ~ T Appreft4 br me th1.8 r 18t ~ . . 4a~ et lfovember 19 41 . 1. _- &.C.(h.~~~ lIS,... c_ - I., ,. I L___ R. M. JOHNSTON MAYOR E*V S. AKERMAN "~Y. ORLANDO. FLA. c. G. SAWRS MARS W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW . . CHAIRMAN . M. ARGO . C. 'BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll nf (@rntt' BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE,' FLORIDA WELCOME TOURIST Minutes of a regular meeting of Uity Uounoil held ~ovember l7, 1941. ~he Counoil was oalled to order by Chairman Bigelow at 7:30 P. M. Counoilmen present, Chairman Bigelow, Minor, Eokles, Argo and Bryan. Absent' none: Oi ty Attorney, Mayor Clerk and' .Marshal present. Minutes o~ last regular meeting held November 3, 1941 read and approved. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: ' Mr. Argo-made motion to pay all ourrent bills exoept the $28.20' Florida P ublio Servi oe Company pumping bill:: B~lls ordered pa id are as fo llows: J. J. Vandergrift f3.45 gas; Clark J. Jaokson .6l~ County taxes; Roy Phillips $25.00 marshal salary to ~ovember 15th 1941. Junior Padgett .75i for oleaning show lot for theee Saturday nights; Florida Publio Servioe Co. $l.60 for Ooamanity Oente~ lights; Plorida Publio Servioe $14.00; for s\reet lights and Counoil room lights to ~ovember 4t~ 1941.; Florida Telephone Corp. $3.98 for Bovember phone rent; J. B. Teston $4.20 street work; $2.00 eaoh to P. J. New, W. B. osteen, J. B. Testj)n and G.C. Spurgeon for servioe on eleotion board fo City eleotion ~eld November 4th; R. ~. Monley '~.70 street and police dept. R. M. Johnston .47~ for telegram; R. A. Kerr $8.01 Water dept;'and O. T. Upshaw .60~ polibe dept, motion seoonded mJ Mr. Eokles, voted and oarried. ~OR~S: Oity Attorney reports that the oanoellation of taxes 8an't be done until he oan see the files whioh are in :J!am}:8, and whioh he would' ask their 01erk to send 'them to Orlando. Mr. Eokles reportes of the installation of ~ side door of the Post Offioe, Mr. Argo made mot inn for Mr. Eokles to oontinue i ~ to l~ok after the finishing o~ the Post Offioe, Seoond Mr. Bryan voted&Carrie~ Mr. Kessler at 'the :J!railer \iamp turned in his re~ort as to his expense in putting it in' shape. Mr. -rgo made motion to accept his report of $331.62 paid out by Mr. Kessler whioh is in complianoe with his lease, second Mr. Eokles, Voted a.nd oarried. The Counoil instruoted \ilerk to get lot numbers of Trailer Uamp and have them put in the City's name on the County reoords. )dr. B~Jan mad.e motion to have an Ordinanoe setting ~or's Court oosts to a prisoner arrested and fined at $1.00 for Mayor's fee, $~.OO for Marshal fee and .50s' fo.r 01erk's fee. Motion died for laok of seoond. Mr. Argo moved to have a oommittee appointed to go through Ordinanoe book & recommend to' Oounoil the 8rdinanoes to be revised, motion seconded Mr. Eckles, :J!he Mayo r an d 00 uno il was eleot ed to do the revis ing, and to meet- baok on I Wednesday ~ovember 19th. Mr. Argo made motion that the Marshal be demanded to oolleot all water rents or disoontinue servioe, and that the oolleotions be turned in by next meeting night, also.to give the marshal a letter to show to eaoh water user in arears. motion seoonded by Mr. Bryan, voted and oarried. Mr. Agro made'motion t.hat Mr. Eokles and .Mr. Bigelow meet:.with the Uounty Commissioners to see about ge~ting certain roads in Ocoee maintained by the road and bridge department. ~eoonded Mr. Minor~ voted and carried. Mr. Argo nade mot i,on to aooept the reports of inspectors and Ulerk of the Uity Eleotion held November 4th 1941; ~he results being as follows; For Mayor R. M. Johnston 113 votes, E. A. Murray 120 votes - Bor Oounoilmen, J. M. Argo 143 votes, M. C~ Bryan 100 votes, AZ. O. Peaoook 84 votes and o. L. Sanders . 79 votes, number of votes oast was 244, with nine votes thrown out. Mr. Eokles seoond the motion, voted and oarried unanimously. Mr. E. A. Murray being eleoted' as Mayor for term of next two years was sworn in By Mr. R. C. Bigelow a ~otary Publio, afterwards the Mayor swore in the eleot.' Counoilmen which was re-eleoted, Mr. J. M. Argo and Mr. M. C. Bryan ~) Mr. ~rgb made mO~ion tt re-appoint Mr. R. C. Big~W as ~reSident of the Counoil, Seoond Mr. Eokles, Voted and oarried unanimously. Mr. Bryan moved second Mr. Minor that Mr. J. Z. Eokles be appointed as vioe~President, voted and oarried unanimously. Mr. Argo made m~tion to re-apoint W. H. Wurst as Ulerk, ~ax Colleotor, .~ Tax assessor and .Hegistration offioe, seoonded by Mr. Minor, voted and ., oarried unanimously. Mr. Argo moved to re-apoint Mr. Roy Phillips as marshal, and that C. G. ~anders b~ appointed as Speoial Polioe to aot in oase of siokness at emergenoies if available, seoond Mr. Bryan. voted and carried. Mr. Bryan moved to retain Mr. Emory ~. Akerman as Vity Attorney at prioe stated in Mr'. Akerman letter dated November l'7th 1941 of '$120.00. per year, payable monthly, and at the end of eaoh month, motion seoonded by Mr. A~~, voted and oarried. Clerk was instruoted to write Mrs. Ralph Thompson at Winter Haven for authority to olean up her' lot Sout~ of this building, aaento take down fenoe. There bein;ino f rther ~usiness, .M.~.' ~okles ~eopnd Mr.. Argo voted apd oarri~, ~eeting . . I Attest~ - ;tfI .. Clerk. made motion to adjorn, adjorned at ~:30 P. M. Pres'ident. - !- .