HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-15-1941 E. A. Uurray t1t-.lIt1X 1I(2H1~~ MAYOR E_V S. AKERMAN AT.-EV. ORLANDO. FLA. c. G. SA.RS MARS W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW ~ CHAIRMAN . MARGO . C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR OCOEE. FLORIDA Minutes of a regular meeting of City ~ounoil held Deoember l5th 1941. Qtitll nf (@rntt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST e The Oounoil was called to order by President Bigelow at 7:30 P. M. 40unoilmen present, l?resident Bigelow; Minor; Eokles; Argo and Bryan; Mayor1 Olerk and ~ssistant marshal Sanders present, Oity Attorney absent. sMinu~es of last regular meeting held Deoember 2nd read and approved. Mr. Argo made motion to pay bills as read and as follows with the exoeption of Mr. Eokles bill on P. O. Building, and that the P. o. Bill be paid out of the Post of~ioe rents. Messers Bryan, Minor and ~~I Argo voted AYE, Mr. BigeloW voted Ne. The bills to be paid a~e Roy Phillips '25.00 polioe ealarytto Deoember 15th 1941; Roy Phillips $2.50 oompensation for non-use of Oity water to marshal; $5.54 Me C. Bryan water dept. Florida Telephone BOn> ~5.t.980reot for DeQember: If'londa~publio ~.'ervige 00 Sh.50~ ~ightStfor ommu~l~y enter, an~ j~or1d8 ~UD 0 erV10e ;37.6 L1g!f ana Power 0 Deoember 3rd l841. Voted and oarried. Mr. ~rgo moved to have le~ter by the oopy written by Mr. Bigelow be sent to the PostMoffioe Depsrtment in Washington, pertaining to P. o. Rent, t)eoond Mr. inor, Voted and oarried. . Mr. Bigelow and Mr. Eokles reporst to the talk with ~ommdsBioner Carpenter wn oonneotion with the oounty taking over differents roads in Oooee for maintenanoe, l~e~'with Ohairman Rolph >>avis w~ioh is to be brought up in Oommissioners meeting,. Mr. Eokles reports of fixing windows in P. o. Mr. Argo moved to have the marshal move rook to oorner at school to fill up hole at oorner Mrs. Hennes, a~d other plaoes that are dangerous, also to fix wash out at Mrs. Maguire's grove and other places over town, motion seoonded by Mr. Bryan, voted and oarried. Mr. iLrgo moved that Ordinanoe #4 and seotion #4 be changed t,o the effeot t mati .s.shal salary be determined by Oounoilftfrom time to time, ~eoonded by Mr. Bigelow, Voted and oarried. Mr. Argo moved to have Ordinagoe 132 10 be ohanged or added to, that no parking to' the left .on McKey ~treet. And t~t all ordinanoe be ohanged ,to readj for the fi.nes be set by Mayor or Judg~ of ~ity Courts plus all oosts. ~eoond I Mrl Bryan, voted and oarried. Also in this motion that all costs to come from prisoner and that at no time the oosts to oome from the Oity treasury,.and that the Marshal fee set at $3.00, the Mayor's fee $2.00 and the ~lerk s fee at $1.00. The motions were voted and oarried. ~ Mr. Argo made motion that the regular mershal ~ob be deolared open or ~08nt, and that the Oounoil look around for another marshal and to hire a working man and to have the polioe job on the side. motion seoond by Mr. Bigelow Voted and carried. Mr. 4rgo made motion that thegate and pwmp house be kept locked at all times and to have extra keys made for looks and have keys plaoedto where proper; authorities ~n use them when needed, and to post notioes of No Tresspassing and to investigate about having the ladder on water tank disoonneoted and to have wire 'fenoe tightened up. Mr. Bigelc.' and Mr, Eckles were designated as a committee to look after these matters. Upon a second by Mr. Bigelow, the motion waa voted and carried. -- There being no further business Mr. Bigelow moved to adjorn, %rgo. voted and carried. Counoil adjorned at lO:30 P. M. . ~ttest-/.~~ pv-: Vioe President / Clerk J. Z. Eokles seco nd Mr.