HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-05-1942 E. A. Murray ~Jl[ MAYOR E..1" S. AKERMAN A~y.ORLANDO. FLA. C. G. SANies MARS. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW _CHAIRMAN . MARGO M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll .f .(@ttltt . BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE, FLORIDA WELCOME TOURIST . Minutes of a regula~ meeting of City Oouncil held January 5th 1942 The Council was oalled tp order by President Bigetow at 7:30 P.M. Councilmen present; President Bigelow; Minor; EEkles; Argo and Bryan Mayor Clerk and Marshal present, City attorney present. Minutes of last regular meeting held ~ecember l5th'1941 read and approved Mr. Bryan moved to pay bills as foll~ws= W. H. Wurst Agent $16.40 for one year fire insuranoe on City Hall to January 1st 1943; Akerman, Akerman & MoEwan $10.00 for December s~rvices; M. C. Bryan ~~2.00 cleaning septio tank to City hall; L. A. Johnson $6~26 for gas and oil for Hecember; J. Z. Eckles $9.12 to re-build bridge at Peacock residence; Motor Vehicle Commission $2.50 for 1942 truck tag; and $10.00 for 1000 post cards for water cards, motion seconded by Mr. Argo. voted and carried. . Mr. Argo made motion to deposit Post nffice reqts in general funds and pay it out Qn Post nffice bills promptly, second Mr. Eokles, voted and oarried. Mr. argo, moved to have marshal to oolleot water deposit from Mrs. Scott house or cut off water, ~econd Mr. ~ckles, voted and oarried. Mr. Jirgo made motion to confirm the appointment of Marshal H. M. Moore on suo: terms and oonditions as stated to him, ~econd Mr. Eckles, voted and carried. The Council agreed to a $10.00 fine and all costs to all persons failing to comply with Ordinance on trial bla.ok-outs in oase "If emel'genoy, this being neoessary for the welfair of the Town during this time of eiller~enoy. And Oouncil agreed to meet at 7:00 oolock Thursday night January 8th and request that all oommitteemen be present froIn their respeotive communities, this meeting to be held in connection with with the trial black-out. Mr. Argo m~ved ahat all regular and speoial meetings be held at 7:00 oclook P. M. until further notice, ~eoond Mr. Eckles, voted and oarried. Mr. ~rgo moved to have Mr. Eckles to' put a look on lid of water tank or have it securely fastened, seoond Mr. Bryan, v~tea and carried. . Mr. Bryan made motion to recess regular meetings instead of adjorning as usual, in order that an~ emergency meeting ~s necessary, rather than having to give 72 hours notioe to h8ldt~ meeting legal. Motion seconded by Mr.Minor voted and oarried. There bing no further business, the Counoil reoessed at 9~50 P.M. Attest:~~ ,to - Clerk. President. e I l. r; E. A. Murray 1IIrxqIIl~RrS~J MAYOR E. S. AKERMAN .t\T V, ORLANDO. FLA. C. G. SA~s MARS" W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW .~ . CHAIRM....N .J.M.ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll nf (@ttltt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE, FLORIDA WELCOME TOURIST "OAD 011 OWIGE" e It I. /( 11, ~ f) o.;iP ~ '1 .. u de &ImK 8Dl~a1:v fJlI'eBr (or af'!11w) tblt J wU1 8O.PPDrt. p?Otoat :ml 4efebll tbe Oonat1tutlolJ aDd . . 8Ovorzz::.ont of tl1e lJn1ted Staten and. of tha Stnte o~ l1'1aJ:lc1a.sp1ut . all eoeoies. d!lwotio c twe18D. and tmt I wlJ1 bear truE.t... J.oialty am alleg1~ to the t.tt.me. aDd tbe.t I am entltle4 t. holll offi.ce under the 4ndt:l.tut1QrJ; that I Will :ih1~ pefe. a1l tie duties of' tbe off"loo o:f I ~ .:t tJe vI" .., 00000. 011 ....hich I am w>nut t,g eator. So help to ~c1.n _ Approved by me th1a o~ '~~~I .P'" --~ cJ ~ dai' ... ... JS 11< '~ . 4t.:: ,?~ .1 . ~~.~ 18,.. /C -- e. L ~