HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-02-1942 w~~y MAYOR EM* S. AKERMAN AT"V, ORLANDO. FLA. C. G. SA~S MARS~ W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW _CHAIRMAN . MARGO M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll of (@ttltt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE, FLORIDA WELCOME TOURIST Minutes of a regular meeting of City Counoil held February 2nd 1942. ~he Counoil was oalle~ to order by President Bigelow at 7=00 P. M. Oounoilmen present: President Bigelow; Minor; Eokles; Argo and Bryan. Mayor, City Attorney, Glerk and Marshal present. Mr. Bryan moved second Mr. Argo that the mmnutes be~approved as read. voted and oarried. ~ e Mr. arg~ made m~ti~n to pay bills as read and as f~ll~ws= Akerman,Akerman & MoEwan ~10.00 for ~anuary services and $25.00 advance on Harris vs Oooee Buii; J. Z. Eckles $2.15 for cirole saw and lock and hasp; E. B. Brown $19.66 for gas & oil for August and December; J. J. Vandergrift $9.51 gas & oil for January; Roy E. Burgess $4.00 reprint water oRrds. Motinn seconded by Mr. Eckles, voted and oarried. Mr. Argo made motion for Mr. Lokles to make l~ estimate to fix jail window and turn in to Clerk. ~econded by Mr. Minor, voted and carried. Mr. Argo moved that Mr. Kessler be allowed to plant the land East of Trailer oamp for a limited amount on lake shore. All voted AYE except Mr. Bryan v~ted NO. 1iotion carried. Mr. Argo. Ll.:r. Minor and Mr. Higelow was named as committee to see about the land for Mr. Kessler. Mr. Argo made motion to table Mr. ~lsey lioense and Mr. Moore's nrder of $5.00 until next meeting, motion seconded by Mr. ~ckles, V~ted and carried. Mr. Bryan made motion to saise all water rents .25~ per month, this to in- clude all City offioials, and place this inorease in amount in a special fund to maintain the water department. Motion died for lack of second. Mr. Argo moved to give Mrs. Baker credit on water bill or refund in oash the amount she paid on the Roper bill. Motion seoonded Mr. Eokles, Voted&Carried. Mr. Bryan made motion to abolish the office of City Polioe, as we have a Deputy Sheriff and can turn any ,case of to. City when neoessary. :1.'here being no Second to mot io n, the mot io n di ed., Mr. Eckles made motion to bive Mr. Bigelow authority to but a hoel, rake and file,to do oleaning up around the water works. seoond Mr. Argo,Voted&Carried. Mr. Eckles made motion to advance ~25.00 to Mr. Akerman for advance in oonneotion with the Harris vs Ocoee case to come up February 5hh, Seoonded by Mr. Argo voted and carried. Mr. Bryan made motion that all those have not paid their water rent to dape that they be cut off tomorrow. Ho seoond, motion died. Thel"e being n'" Attest; ( ~~ ~erk. ' f"il"ther business, Counoil Bto~d adjnrned at 10:20 P. M. e President.