HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-06-1942 ~ E. A. Murray ~ MAYOR C. G. sA.S MARS EM* S. AKERMAN AT"'V, ORLANDO. FLA. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. Qtitll of (@ttltt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW e CHAIRMAN . MARGO M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR - ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE. FLORI DA Maroh 6th 1942. Minutes of an adjorned meeting of regular meeting ~aroh 2nd 1942. ~he Counoil was called to order by President Bigel~w at 8:15 P. M. All members present, Mr. Bigel~w, Mr. Minor, Mr. ~ckles, Mr. Argo and Mr. Bryan, None absent; Mayor absent; City Jitorney, Olerk and 1~rshal present. Mr. Argo made motion to approve the minutes read of last regular meeting of February 16th, motion seconded by Mr. Bryan, voted and oarried. Mr. Argo made motion to pay all ourrent bills as read and as ~ollows~ c. G. Sanders, marshal $25.00 .to J\rIarchlst; State Bank of Apopka $2.63 for interest 'of note, Qalance of $175.00 for ninety days to J\r~y 26th 1942; $30. balanoe due on the Pounds Motor oompany note; $75.00 to Akerman, Akerman and McEwan for Mrs. Helen Curtis, 60urt reporter, in the appeal of the Harris VB Ocoee oase; -$10.00 to Akerman, Akerman and MoEwan for February retainer; $4.13 to Florida Telephone Uorp,for ~~roh rent and l5~ toll call. and $107.10 allowed for laq~r on water rent for the mon~h~ of Sept,Oot.Nov. Dec.Jan and February, being $70.65 on street dept. and $3b.45 on water dept. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bryan,voted and carriEjd. , Clerk was instructed to answer letter from Munioipal Bond vorp. of Chicago. The letter from The O~un~y Qommlssioners 'dated March 2nd was referred to City_Attorney, and to report at next reg~lar meeting. Mr. hokles made motion to authorize Mr. Akerman to prooeed with the Harris suit, and to give Mr. Akerman authority to advise Mrs. Helen Ourtis to go ahead in prepareing necessary papers for the case and to advance her $75.00 and the remainder of $25.00 to be paid within 45 to 60 days. Mr. Bryan seoond Motion, all voted and carried. Mr. argo ma~e motion that ffir. Vnu~hn be present at next meeting if he care.d. to again make application for marshal ,job. Motion sec~nded by Mr. Eokles; All voted AYE exoept Mr. Bryan voted NO. Mr. Argo made motion. to pay H. M. Moore one day marshal servioe of Febrhary 16th of $1.67. seoond Mr. Eokles, Voted and. carried. Mr. Argo.moved that if Hotel is still operated by Mr. C. R. Pounds by next meeting night, 'to have marshal collect from Mr. llounds or close him up. seoonded Mr. Eckles, voted and carried. Mr. Bryan made motion that City Attorney to revise Ordinanoe #4, fix May~r'sl oompensatinn and tirqe and plaoe of Cou~t, and Olerk and Marshal must be present at time of Vou~t, and time of Uourt to be held at the Oity Hall : every Monday morning at 9=00 Oolook, motion seoonded by Mr, ~rgo.Voted&Carri Mr. Argo mad~ motion that the \jlerk not payout any Oourt oosts, ,.only ed - at eaoh regular meeting along with other bills. Yeconded-:!by-',Mr~ ,l.:,okles voted and oarried. \ \ There being no further business, vouncil Attest: ~ ~ <1erk. stood adjorned at 10:35 P. M. 'It Jd ' \ , Yre;rale~.~ I