HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-16-1942 E. A. Murray ~~u MAYOR E~Y S. AKERMAN A~Ey.ORLANDO.FLA. C. G. SA_RS MARS. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN . R. C. BIGELOW .e CHAIRMAN .. MARGO M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll tlf (@ttltt 'BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA WELCOME TOURIST -~ Minutes of a regular Meeting of the ~ity Council held ~~rch 16th 1942. The Council was oelled to order by President Bigelow at 8:15 P. M. Councilmen presen t; President Digelow, Minor, Eokles, Argo and .Bryan. Absent None. Mayor ahd:Ci1y Attorney Absent, Clerk and Marshal present. Mr. Argo made m~tion to anpr~ve minutes of last regular meeting held Maroh 6th, seconded by Mr. Eckles, voted Rnd oarried. Mr. Agro moved to pay all ourrent bills as follwws Florida Public Service Co. $35.45 for power and lights to March 4,th, and }25.00 C. G. Sanders for' marshal salary to March 15th. second Mr. Eckles, voted and carried. Mr. ~rgo made motion to have ~~erk to get with the water oommittee and fill out blanks and forward to the ~tate .Board of Health. second Mr. Bryan, V&C. Mr. Bryan made motion to adopt an nrdinsnoe entitled, An Ordinanoe Creating a Bureau of Fire Prevention, Establishing its personnel and ~uties, And Muking Provisi~ns for the Prevention and Control of Fires in"the Uity of Dooee, at ~~rst reading subjeot to a seoond reading and possible ammendments, and that this nrdinance be n.umbered for the Ordinanoe B:"lok, mot inn seconded by Mr. ~rgo, voted and carried. Mr. Bigelow, president of the UQuncil,request that all liquor and wine and beer dealers in oontrol of the vity ~ounoil of Oooee, that they be cl~sed at Mid-night on .:laturday nights,and'not be permitted to re-open until Monday morning, this to be exeroised as far as the T~wn.s Authority goes. Mr. Bryan second the motion. Upon a vote, Mr. Bryan voted AYE. Mr. Argo, Mr. Eokles and Mr. Minor voted NO. There being no further business Mr. Argo made motinn to adjorn at 9:45 P. M.. Bubjeot to a oall by the Chairmau. secoud:d by M~Yau. Voted aud carried. Atte~~~ J~V y Clerk. ~.....1deut. e .. ,