HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-06-1942 E. .A. Murray ~J'2~ MAYOR EWY S. AKERMAN A,...EV, ORLANDO. FLA. c. G. SAWRs MARS W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW ..~ CHAIRMAN . MARGO . C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll of (@ttltt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD' FISHING GROUND.S ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE, FLORIDA Minutes of a regular meeting ~f City Counoil heid April 6th 1942. -e The ~ounoil wa~ oalled to order by ~resident Bigel~w at 8;00 P. M. Councilmen present; President Bigelow; Minor; Eokles; Argo and Bryan. Absent none - Mayor absent, Uity Attorney, Clerk and ~~rshal present. Minutes of last regular meeting he~d Maroh 16th read and approved. Mr. Eokles made motion to pay ourrent bills as read,asd as follows, also approve the Marshal and Clerk's salary paid to ~mroh 31st 1942. Akerman, Akerman and MoEwan $10.00 for March retainer and $8.48" t~ J. J_o_ 'Vandergrift for gas and oil for l/Iarch 1942. motion seconded by M~. Argo. Voted and oarried. Mr. .d.riSo made mot io n tba t olerk write cita te board of .tleal th fo r prnper ingredienoe and [djljl~ liquids to be used in water sUIJPly, and made) m~tion to have a ~l meeting Monday night April 13th to c~nsider the ~urohase of the ohlorinator for water plant, m~tion seoonded Mr. Eckles voted and carried. . Mr. Br~an made motion that the Marshal to get $2.00, the May~r ~1.00 and Clerk <:?1.00 from fines collected in Mayor I s Court, and that these am'"lunt be incorporated in the fevision of Ordinance t4, Moti6n.seoonded Mr. Eckles, voted and carried. Mr. Argo r.ade m~tinh tn aocept nrdinsnce ~4 ~ith proper amendments, seoonded Mr. Bryan, v("tted'and oarried. Mr. Argo made m(1ti,.,n to pass Ordinance :4 at seoond reading, second Mr. Eokles, voted and carried. Clerk read applioation of Mr. J. B. Cannnn for marshal job. Mr. Grady L. Hall of iiinter Park present to make application fnr marshal job in person, several reocomendatioqs were read iq behalf of Mr. Hall, and after due consideration by the ~ounoil, Mr. Argo mad~ motion to employ Mr. Hall as marshal as of 4pril 15th 1942, .seoond Mr. ~okles, voted andoarried unanim,.,us Mr. Argo made motion that Mr. ~ckles take a lookat roof on this building lYe and report its oondi tion and his reoormnendation to Uollncil, second Mr. Bryan, voted and carried. Mr. Bryan made mDtion to adopt An Ordinanoe Creating a Bureau of Fire Prevent" on, Establishing its personqel and Dqties, and 1~king Provision for the Pre- vention and Control of Fires in the vity of Oooee at this the second reading. Motion seoond Mr. Argo, voted and carried. Mr. Ar~o moved to ~end the Mayor a bill for water rent for being absent for two regular meetings, second Mr. ~ckles. voted and carried. There being no further business, Mr. Eokles made motion to adjorn at 10:10 P. M. subjeot to call. Att~,v/ Clerk. ~1~ ~esident . . ~