HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-04-1942 ~ E. A. Murray x~ MAYOR EWY S. AKERMAN A EY. ORLANOO. FLA. C. G. sAWRS MARS W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M.ARGO M..C. BRYAN J.Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll of (@!tltt e BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE, FLORIDA WELCOME TOURIST I\Iinutes of a regular 11leeting "If City (;ouncil held. l!['.y 4th 1942. Council was called to order by President Bigelow at 8~30 P. M. Councilmen present: President Bigelow; Min~r; Eckles; Ar80 and Bryan Absent none - Mayor, vi ty Att orney, aild~o.ler.k:cpresent, llurshal absent. Minutes of last regular meeting of April 20th was read and approved. Ur. Arg., made mot i0n t!'1 approve the bills already paid of MD.rshaland~.Clerks salary to April 30th of ~~25.00 eaoh and J2.75 to Sherwin-Williams for white paidtto mark off street crossings, also to pay current bills as f~llows: J. M. Argo, ,COllncilman compensati'"ln frf'lm.Nnvember 1st 1941 to Apr~l 30th 1942 @ 01.25 per m'"lnth, total .:~7.5q; Ak~rman, Akerman and HcE'wan ~~lO.OO f('\r April artainer; lHorida Telephl"lne v"'rp \~. 73j J. J. Vandergrift $3.26 fnr gas & 0il; and J. J. Ibberts('1n for gas & ()ile::'''t~th bills f,..,r April. M"ti"ln seconded b~ Mr. Bryan, Voted and carried. . Mr. Bigelow reported. ('1 f t he meet ing between he and Mr. ....ckles 'with Dr. '::3eeley Mr. Hall, and Prof. iieid. in connectifln with the BflY' .iCflllt ml"lvement ~or Ocoee, the question of the sopnserer wus the topic. Mr. Argn made mot inn that the committee of the liollncil to see the other cM!lIIlittee and advi::;e that the Council could not be their sponserer, and to get some other orgina~ation, mfltil"ln s~cnnd , -e:Mr. Minot, v,..,ted and carried. . . Mr. ..I.rgo IflOved that Ur. ....korman to .J?roceocl vlith Mr. Hull nf Hull, .LInnditl and vfuitehair to get all back taxes cancelled off, prior to 1941, second Mr. Bryan, voted and carried. Mr. ~l.rgo roode a suggestion pass P,..,undo License over tn I:lext rpeeting., Mr. Argo made Inoti,..,n that the Marshal t"'l furnish inf0rmati"'ln in c,.,nnection with the making up of :;Jchn "'II signs for crossings, socnnd 1i1r. Eckles, votecl & CaJ Mr. Bryan made nnti~n tlmt Mr. ~kerman be relieved of instructinns of taking appeal of the Harris case to Tallahassee, sec,.,nd Mr. Eokles. vClted and ca:cried. Mr. Argn made motion that the Ulerk be instructed to issue a check when the Chlorinatiot arrives to the state Bank (""tf Apapka f,..,r the draft to be drawn on us through the .dank, Second Mr. Eckles, vnterl and carried. . Mr. Argo made moti~n t~ have the Mer~hal to inforce the ordinance of marble tables, to colleot license or have them moved, secnnd fur. Br~an,voted&Carried. T~ere being no furthe: busin~ss, Un. Bryan made mot ~,..,n t7Hdjorn M~nor, voted and carrled. adJorned at 10~20 P. M. ~t~/ ~~ Clerk. 01mirman. , "- \.. secnnd Mr. \ -"~ ~ J -