HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-18-1942 E. A. Murray MWII~ MAYOR EWV S. AKERMAN ,A EY, ORLANDO. FLA. Grady 1. Hall DIt!~Hllll~ MARS W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREA5. e COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M, ARGO M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll of (@!tltt BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE, FLORIDA Minutes of a regular meeting of City O~lmcil held May 18th 1942. ~' Oouncil was cnlled to nrder by Vice-President J. ~. Eckles at 8; 30 l? M. Connoilmen present t IvIinor, Eckles t .:i.rg,., and Brjan t l'l'esident Bigelaw absent. Mayor, Clerk and Marshal present, City Attorney Absent. Minutes ~f la~t regnlar meeting held May 4th was read and approved. Mr. Bryan Elade motion to a.J?.l?rove the f("lllowing bills already paid, ~.325.00 to Mr. Hall for l:larshal salary to May 15th, .')205.50 to State Bank ",f Ap",pka for draft and Bill nf Lading attaohed-for Chlnrinator b~ught f~nm Proportian~ eers ~f Providen'Oe R. I., ~6.0G ,'"Iatd out fr'1m Hay,..,r'8 C'111I't '1n R...,,, Kitchen ~ ~ ~ case and ~>6.39 fnr water dept nnd nff10e Sllppliest also t,.., uay"'the"'f'11ll"\wing current bills;,Carl J~ Ja.cks,..,n ~1.03 Cl"\nnty tax orfi f:ilre h"'twe ll"\t f'1r 1941, J. Z. Eckles ~1.50 f;r street br'1,..,m; E. B. Br'1wn J~.45 f~r ~s & nil, R. J. M5bley fnr account tl) Mt1.Y 18th; 1!'lnridu Puolic Service f'1r J?'1wer and light s to Muy 6th af ~,>42.90 and R. A. Kerr (~8.68 f,..,r plllmbing bill to date. ffil"\ti'Jn seo,..,nded by Mr. .J..rgo t v,..,ted and carried. - Mr. ..~rgo made mntion to send the cl"\py ,..,f letter frf');n state .a,..,ati!d f')f j,dmin- istration addressed tb C. M. Gay dated May 8th t'1 Mr. .A1terIY.'nn ti1 ad'tTise Mr. Larson of the Jtate Br'lat'd nf 4-dministration, that the C'111ncil~g'1es "n rAc:hrd thR..t they deffinitely d,.., n"t want the ()199.4f3 due-the City fr"m-"rg,nge C'111nty R"ad and 3ridge-denartment credited ,..,n any b'1nds nr intArest, ffi'1ti"n sec...,ndAd I by br. 3ryan, V~ted and carried. 01erk redorts to Counoil and nresents t,.., the tJfluncil the 1942 tax roll with a OOPy of same, Council reviewAd the entirA b"l(1k, and rffi.dA changes in aRflP8S- ments only an pr,..,nerty improved ~r denreciated in value. ~ - Mr. .ll.rgo made m"t i"n that beginning June 1st t("l raise the Marflhal' s salary ~lO.OO per m,..,nth, seo'Jnd Mr. Min~r. v'1ted and carried. There bAing n" fllrther business Mr. .1rgo rnac1p El.,tion,:t"l adj"rn, second Mr. Uinor, v"lted and curried. I I Attest: ~ ~er~. '1 Vice-1>rf'\sident. J~ ~ 'j