HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 Removal of Member from HRDB for Non-attendance AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: November 18, 2008 Item # 3 Contact Name: Contact Number: Holly Moseley Ext. 1023 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: HJk ____ Subject: Removal of Member from Human Relations Diversity Board for non-attendance. Background Summary: Mr. Ibrahim Habach was appointed to the Human Relations Diversity Board in November 2007. The board currently consists of eight (8) members and require that five (5) be present to make a quorum. The Human Relations Diversity Board is working on several events that require member participation and commitment. Mr. Habach has been absent nine (9) out of ten (10) meetings, with only two being excused. Issue: To assist in meeting quorum requirements for meetings, the Human Relations Diversity Board respectfully requests that Mr. Ibrahim Habach be removed from the board. Recommendations The Human Relations Diversity Board recommends to City Commission that Member Ibrahim Habach be removed from the board, with the ability to reapply at a later date when his schedule permits his regular attendance and participation. Attachments: Current Board List Attendance Logs (2007 & 2008) Financial Impact: None. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x") Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by () N/A N/A N/A HUMAN RELA TIONSIDIVERSITY BOARD Created by Res. #2003-21 on 9/16/2003 Res. #2003-21 amended by Res. # 2004-11 changing quorum to 51 % (2 year terms) No less than 7 members, no more than 9 members Member District Phone Number Term Ends 1. Fay Alston (Vice-Chair) 4 407-292-7121 (H) May 2010 340 Sterling Lake Drive falston@aol.com 2. Shakeel Anjum 3 407-877-0064 (H) May 2010 201 Belhaven Falls Drive nirvanor@vahoo.com 3. Amanda Brumfield 2 407 -242-5103 (H) May2010 P. O. Box 323 407-656-2400 (W) 1409 Snowden St. Amanda.brumfield@regions.com 4. Lester Dabbs Jr 3 407/656-4332 (H) May 2010 619 Caborca Court 5. Louis Fazio, Jr. (Chair) 407-258-8560 (H) May 2009 11681 Vicolo Loop 407-905-8580 (W) Windermere, FL 34786 407-947-0742 (C) lou.fazio@manheim.com 6. Ibrahim Habach 3 407-592-5457 (H) May 2009 120 Floral St. 407-592-5000 (W) Habash44@hotmail.com 7. William Maxwell 2 407 -656-0054 (H) May 2009 558 Woodson Avenue wemaxcom@aol.com 8. Berwyn Oltman 3 407-877-9115 (H) May 2009 622 Palomas Ave. bloltman@iuno.com 9. Vacant Ex-Officio Members Joel Keller 5021 Lighterwood Court Ocoee, FL 34761 407-578-5191 (H) JKeller@ci.ocoee.fl.us 1 r-- o o N W U Z <( o z W l- I- <( o ~ <( o al ~ en ~ w > o en z o i= <( ...J W ~ Z <( ~ :J J: a.. IX) 0 0 a.. N W U Z a.. e::( C Z W I- a.. l- e::( C c:: a.. e::( 0 CO ~ a.. (j) c:: w (.) > C - (j) Z a.. 0 1= e::( LU ..J ;a: W c:: Z e::( a.. 2: ::> OJ :I: 0 I >, ell :2: a.. c: ro .5 o c: f CD a:l ---'