HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #19 Consideration of Holiday Schedule for 2009 AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: November 18, 2008 Item # L9 Contact Name: Contact Number: Beth Eikenberry 1022 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: 8~ Su;~jec;!: tlq!lpay",iSch ~):::;> Vi:,'" Background Summary: Section 8.01 of the Personnel Rules and Regulations (attached) lists Holidays that will be observed annually in the City of Ocoee. Each year certain holidays need to have the dates chosen according to where they fall on the calendar and those dates are approved by the City Commission. Additionally, at the November 4, 2008 Commission Meeting, Commissioner Johnson suggested adding Veteran's Day to the list of Holidays. Attached is a survey of other city's observance of holidays as submitted by HR Director Camicella Issue: Should the Commission approve the holiday schedule for 2009 as submitted by staff? Should the Commission permanently approve the addition of Veteran's Day to the list of observed Holidays in the City of Ocoee? Recommendations Staff recommends the Holiday Dates for 2009 are as follows: No change to the holidays that fall on regularly scheduled workdays. Forth of July should be observed on July 3, 2009, due to falling on Saturday. Christmas Holidays should be observed December 24 and 25,2009. Veteran's Day, on November 11, 2009, should be considered as an additional holiday. Attachments: 2009 Calendar Personnel Rules and Regulations, Section 8.01 Survey of Surrounding City's Observance of Holidays Financial Impact: Type of Item: (p/ease mark with an "xj _ Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction """''''' :'~ ,;.",: .;' 1 Fore/erk's DeofUse: _ Consent Agenda Pu~lic H~aring _ RegularAgEmda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A N/A 's ~ L--\<X~\)~ '1. "2 00 ~ Hd; dDtj SckduJ-e SECTION 8 HOLIDAYS 8.01 Davs Observed A. When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, the Friday preceding or Monday following shall be designated a substitute holiday and observed as the official holiday. B. The observed holidays are: V (.;WBn'S ~? December 25 New Year's Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day Before or After Christmas Day, as Determined by City Commission Christmas Day January 1 January - Third Monday May - Last Monday July 4 September - First Monday November - Fourth Thursday November - Fourth Friday December C. The City Manager will determine which departments or operations will be closed in observance of a holiday. 8.02 Elieibilitv for Holidav Pay A. All holidays must be taken as time off except for departments where employees work 24 hours. B. An employee must be on an approved paid leave for or work the normal schedule of hours, on the regularly scheduled working day immediately prior to and immediately following a holiday, in order to qualify for the holiday time or pay. Absences not approved in advance may not be approved depending on whether the employee's excuse and verification of the reason for the absence are acceptable to management, which, may at its option, require a doctor's excuse as well as any other evidence it deems necessary. C. Holidav Pay 1. Full-time non-exempt employees, except those covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement, who work 8 or 9 hour days shall receive eight (8) or nine (9) hours at their straight time hourly rate. Those who work 10 hour 28 Adopted 12-6-05, Revised 11-20-07 Ti;%W"', ',:?:c:,,?:,-,'. I .............. 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