HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-05-1942 -, A_ _ _ , --. e e e--- -e . e e ~ 4L- ?/d/ J!//~ E. A. Murray I:ICIJCIIX~ MAYOR E~Y S. AKERMAN A".,EY, ORLANDO, FLA. G~L. Hall MARSr W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN .'J. M, ARGO M. C, BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T, MINOR Qtitll tlf (@ttltt 'i BEAUTIFUL LAKES ( GOOD FISHING GROUNDS ORANGE COUNTY WELCOME TOURIST OCOEE, FLORIDA , aI. H. L. Ford . do 8e~.mnl.7 .-ar t"' (or attl_) that 1 Will euppor't. proteot BDd de:teDd. tile OOD.titutl.,.. aDd GOTermn..t ct the Urd.ted stat.. ad o~ ,he atab o~ JI1crlc1a again at all enemies, dom..tl. .....", .. .-.. . .' ...; t, II. or .Nlga. aDd tlat I Will bear true .1th, loplt,. and ...- . ~. ... .. ... aneg!anoe to the aame, and that I 811 erttltled to hold - - - - offl.. ODdet tha Oon8t1tutloa; that I. will :taltM11ll,. .... -. . - . - - pertel'll all t. dut1.. of the offioe 0'1", Marshal - .~.. '- ~ - .1 the O1t,. of 000", on wh10h 1 sa about to eDter. - ...' ... .~. e 50 hel>> _ God.. APP:r!'Ted 'br - thla..1Q.ts. d&f of June } ~- ~ 194...!.: 8, C,~~~ or. e '!\ L...;..... "l E. A. MURRAY MAYOR E~ S. AKERMAN AT,.VtORLANDO. FLA. ... ~ GRADY_ALL MAR W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R.C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO e M.C.BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR QLitll n f (0tntc Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST . Minutes of a reg~lar meeting of City Counoil held June 15th 1942 Council was oalled to order by President ~igelow ar 8:30 P. M. Oounoilmen present: Bigel~, Minor, EOkles, Argo and Bryan. Mayor, Clerk and Marshal present, City Attorney Absent. Minutes of last regular meeting held June 1st read and approved. Mr. Argo md emotion to approve the payment of $30.00 to Grady L. Hall, for marshal salary to June 15th. as he is no* leaving our servioe, motion seoond by Mr. Bryan, voted and oarried. Also Mr. Argo made motion to pay the following c~rrent bills as read; M. O. Bryan $2.00 for repairs to ~rage; Florida Public Servioe 00 $46.75 for lights and power to June 4th; Fiorida Telephone Corp. $4.331 motion was seconded by Mr. Eokles, voted and carried. Mr. Argo made motion ~hat Olerk forward the oopy of Alternative Writ of Mandamus to City Attorney to prepar an answer in due t~e, this in oonneotion with Lester Harris vs Oity of Oooee case, Mr. Eckles swoond motion, Voted & Can, Counoil requested Clerk to send Mr. Beltz a cardto inspeot this roof and mke I bid on fixing it, and send Mr. Stephen a card to ask seotion foreman to fix all railroad crossings. I Mr. Bryan made motion fo order a flag to oost $4.95. seoond Mr. ECkles,V.& C. I Applioation for the marshal ~ob on aocount Mr. Hall resigning. Mr. H. L. Ford's applioation was read, no other applioation oral or written has been reoeived. Mr. Ford being present, and after the Counoil's consideration, Mr. Argo made motion to try Mr. Ford as marahal, motion second Mr. Eckles. upon a vote of the Oouncil, all voted AYE exoept.Mr. Bryan's vote NO. Carried. Mr. Hall to begin June 16th at $50.00 per month. Mr. Ford then sworn in by the Mayor. Mr. Bryan I18.de motion that no Wine, Beer or Liquor be So ld in Oooee as far as the jurisdiotion of the Council goes for the duration of the war, Mr. Eckles seoond the motion. Upon a vote of the Co~ncil, all .oted AYE exoept Mr. Minor voted NO. Oarried - An ordinance to be drawn to this effeot. The Mayor enetred an obejeotion in writing on Ordinanoe #4 seotion #6 to leave it with the judgment of the City Judge as to the tf.~ oases are to be tried. Mr. Argo made motion seoond Mr. Bryan that this ordinanoe stand as previously passed on. There being no objeotions as to the assessments or appraised value of property in Oooee for the 1942 tax roll bonkS. the;'sppraisements now stand oOllfirmed. There being no further business, Mr. Bck:les Mr. Argo. Counci~jorned at 10:55 P. M. Attest: . ~ made m~t7djOrn. seoond oJ e '""