HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-06-1942 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR EMORY S. AKERMAN ATT~.ORLANDO. FLA. GRADY ~LL MARS. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO M. C. BRYAN . J.Z.ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR Qtitll n f (@rntc Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST Minutes of a regular meeting of City Counoil held ~uly 6th 1942. Counoil was oalled to order by President Bigelow at 8:30 P. M. Counoilmen present: Bigelow, Eokles, Argo and Bryan, Uounoilman Minor absent. Mayor, Olerk, Marshal and Oity Attorney present, Minutes of last regular meeting held June 15th was read and approved. AFTER the reading of minutes, the Mayor was absent for rest of meeting. Mr. Argo made motion t.o approve the payment of the following items and bills: Tickets for labor on streets~ totalling to $37.55; $1.00 for postage; .17~ for light bulb for Council room;~1.88 water dept; .38~ ~or bolts and gasket for tru~ E. B. Brown, gas &, oil $2.55;. Iser~tl & 00,. $2.30; J. J. Vandergrift for gas &, oil $17.90; $25.00 for Clerk: salaI:Y to 6-30-42 and $25.00 iclr marshal salary to I 6-30-42. Mr. Eokles seoond the motion, voted and carried. Mr. Eckles made motion to pay the following bills amounting to$26.79 - J. J. Vandergrift gas &, ~il $2.91; 'Akerman, Akerman & MoEwan $10.00 for June retainer; ~lorida Telephone ~orp ~4.23; J. M. Grafton $9.65 for oil and tractor fuel, Mr. 4i.rgo seor" nd t he motion, voted and carried. .' Mr. Bryan made motion to repeal Ordinance #50 and reinstate ordinanoe #5, and as amended by ordinanoe #25 for the duration of the war, Mr. ~rgo seoonded the motion, vnted and oarried. ~ Mr. ~ryan made motion to have the petition be incorporated in the minutes of ~-hhiS meeting, Mr. Eckles seoond"the motion, voted and oafried. . Mr. Argo made motion ~hat the Oounoil confer with Dr. Johnston by Thursday Morning and 1ls.ve Olerk: to notify Mr. ~ke~n in conneotion with the sale of ~r. Johnston1s' property, SecondaK by Mr. Eckles, voted and oarried. Mr. ~rgo made motion to have the dump body put baok on truck, All Counoil voted AYE except Mr. Bryan voted NO. motion oarried. Hr. Argo Made motion to pay men working on streets at rate of .25~ per hour, seoond Mr. EOkles, voted and carried. There being no further business, Mr. Eokles made motion to adjorn, second Mr. Argo, Qyww.yT voted and oarried, Counoil adjorned at 10:40 P. M. Attest: ",,~<f'. ~;--- ".-#. Clerk. ~'~ presi:::l. e-~ I I J L