HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-17-1942 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR EMO"'Y S. AKERMAN ATT~'ORLANDO. FLA. GRADY ~LL MARS. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHA.IRMAN J. M. ARGO . M. C. BRYAN J, Z. ECKLES '~ JOHN T. MINOR <!till! n f (@tntc Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST Minutes of a regular meeting ~f the City C~unoil held August 17th 1942 Counoil was oalled t~ order by President Bigelow at 8:30 P. M. Counoilmen presept; Mr. Higelo1'J, Mr. .\.rg~ and Mr. Ec kles. Counoilmen Absent: Mr. Min"lr and Mr'. Bryan; May,.,r ani lEarshal present; Clerk Absent. May~r t(lC1k notes ('1f this meet ing.. Ur. Eckles re.l:?~rted an dt1!llJ..l 'o~dy for -'>20.00 at Iserman's. 1111'. oil... };I. Clarke made a report on spray ing wat er hyacinths, Mr. Eckles made IDodtion to buy one gallon of spray, Seo0nd Mr.j~g0, voted and carried. Mr. Alrerman ttepnrte d "n the Harr is judgment, . suggest inlS addi t i .,nal levy for the Harris judgment of 40 mills, Tabled unt il next regular meeting. M:r. A~go made moti ('1n too t Mr. Bigelrtw'to act as Clerk to handle two police cases, Clerk being on vacation. Jec0nd Mr. ~ckles, v0ted and carried. Mr. Argo moved to buy battery f~r fire truck, secnnd Mr. Eckles, Vnted &Carr ied. Mr. Argo made motion to raise marshal salary to 060.00 per ffi~nth t., start August 1st. secnnd Mr. Eckles, v.,ted and carried. e T-here being no further business, C~uncil adjorned. 'J ~p:A. _~ ~~n: Attest:: Acting Clerk. e