HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-07-1942 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR EM?.&, S. AKERMAN ATT.' ORLANDO. FLA. GRADY ~LL MARS.. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO __ M. C. BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR QLit}l n f (@,ntt Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST Minutes of a regular meeting 0:t the City I",nLlnoil held September 7th 1942 , Meeting was called to order by President Bigel~w at 8:30 P. M. Oouncilmen Presen.t; Mr. Bigelt")w, Mr. Minor, Mr. Eckles and 1\1r. .....rgo. Councilman B:r:yan absent, Uayor and Clerk present, Marshal absent. ItIinutes of last regular meet ings held AUgllSt 5th and August 17th was read a nd approved. Mr. Argo made motion to approve the fQllowing bills paid; $2.60 far labor on streets, $11.00 police oourt fees;$25.00 Clerk ~alary to Aug.3lst, - $60.00 llarshal salary to August 31st and C2.+3 f('lr water-department. Also t?' approve f"'T payment- the fo ll~wing bills; ~~44. 65 to 2?16rida Pllblic .:Jervice f~r lights .and power to AUgllst - 6th; J. Z. Ec kles .)2.52 f ')r 9 pieces of 2 X 6 X 14 lU.lIiber; :,;;10.00 for 1000 ,i)nst cards f~r nater department; ~l12.27 1. C. Conrad fDr'bat~ery for ~ire dept.; ~7.58 f~r gas a t")il to J. J. Vandergrift; ~11orida Telephone Uorp ,J4.30 M~ti~n sec~nd LIr. Eckles, voted and carried. Mr. A6go r~demotion t~ ~rder nne gallt")n nf ~eed killer fr~m the Fen~le Chemical Oompany. Jaoksnnville by express cnllect as a trial in killing hyaoinths. also made moti~n tn appoint a committee to ~~e up estimates and heoommendations in carrying out a program for killing hyaoinths in lake, and ~ tt") appoint a finanoe o~mmittee, motion was sec("lnd by Mr. Eokles, vnted&Carrie~ Mrs. J. Q. Stanford made application thr~ugh Mr. Bigel~w, for Clerk's job in oase of a vaoanoy. Oounoil requested a letter be written to the Bt")ard of C~unty Oommissioners oommen'ding the g~od work of the nrange Ot")unty Health Unit, gnd that the Commissioners put forth every effort to a'ppr~priate funds to that the Health Unit may be oarried on. Mr. Argo made motion tn get Mr. P. P. Ford for pumping water and colleoting water rents at a prioe of ~25.00 per mnnth beginning ~eptember 7th 1942. Motion seo("lnd by Mr. Eokles, Voted and oarried. There being no further P. M. secondMr.~, At~~ Cl e r k. bu:;;iness, Mr. Eokles made motions tt"\ adjnrn at' 9:00 voted and carried. Preside nt . " e, ( j