HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-09-1942 SS . E. A. MURRAY;' MAYOR . COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO M. C. BRYAN ,A: J. z. ECKLES ~' JOHN T. MINOR e' ~l e , I l EMOIS, AKERMAN ATTO ORLANDO. FLA, GRADY ~LL MARS,. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. <!tit1J n f (@tntc Orange County OCOEE, FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST "I, J. A. Holland , do solemnly swear (or e1't'irm) that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution and Government ot the United states and ot "the state ot i'lor1ds: against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty aDiIi. allegiance to the a-8me, and that I am entitled to hold otftee under the Constituticm.; that I w111 t'aitht'U.ll'1 pertom all the duties ot the office of Marshal ot the, City of Ocoee, on which I am about to enter. S'o help me God.- ~ fL I~- Approved bJ' me this d~ o~ ~eptember 8th 1942 - &.C.~Lr- 70~' . .\ '. .J:. . , ,.' __---I r e e Minutes of a Special Meeting of Ocoee City Council, Sept. 9th, 8 P. r.l. - Meeting called to order by Chairman Bigelow at 8 o'Clock. Present: Bigelow, Eckles, Argo and Minor. Bryan absent. Mayor present. Object of ~eeting: To discuss securing a Marshal to take the place of Mr. Ford Jr. who had gone away. Ford Sr. reported that he would be un- able to serve, owing to physical disabilities. Mr. Holland reported that he did not ca.re to accept the office. After nmch discussion, it was fully decided that Ocoee needed a Marshal to pump water, collect water rents, collect garbage, clean Btreets, etc. The matter of law, ,enforcement was important, but not an outstanding need. Mayor asked that it be inserted in minutes that he wag in favor of having u Marshal at all times. Bigelow was authorized to contact Carl Sanders and offer him the .iob, for the time being,' at $40.00 per month, it being agreed e, , that Ford, Sr. would continue to pump water until, relief was secured. The cutting of grass on utreets was decided on by Council, and Mr. EGkles was authorized to ~ee ~r. Britt and secure his equipment for this purpose. John Minor was asked to assist in keeping the man lined up on the proper streets to be cut. Mayor injected into this meeting the question of amount Dr. Johnston(s property was bid in for at public sale, namely: $225. cash. He complained that this was a give-away price. However, on comparison with some adjustments made under his own superTision, it !Seemed pretty well in line, and the. Council ruled thi!l discussion out of order and it was 8topped. Holland turned in his equipment after one day of service. A Mr. Stevens was mentioned as an a.pplicant .No further business meeting adjourned at 9 :30 P. M. '"tt est~ - ~ct ing Clerk. . JC;P' ".;. Chairman. r Ie. ~. E. A. MURRAY' MAYOR COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO M. C. BRYAN .... J. Z. ECKLES .. JOHN T. MINOR e . - EMORY S. AKERMAN ATTOe ORLANDO. "LA. GRADY L. HALL MARS_ W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. <!ritl! n f (@tntt Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST "I, . C. G. Sanders ,de aolemnl7 near (or affirm) that I will .upport, protect aDII def.nd the Oonatltutton and CJonrDment or the Un1te4 Stat.. aM or the atat. or .1en-iu aga1Dat all enemi.., d~.tl. or tarelp, aD! that I w111 beer true tal th, 1.,.1 t7 ald. anegianc. to the .8118, and that I am entitled to heW otftoe uMe the Conat1tutlODJ tbat :I wtn raltbh117 pert... all the 41a's... of the oUioe of Marshal of the Olt7 of 00"., on Which I .. about to enter. 80 help _ 804." t:~.~~ A,prOftd b7 _thl. 10th dq of" Jeptemher lM...!.- -f. ~ ~~ 'far. .. ~