HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-21-1942 E. A. MURRAY MAYOR ...., :1 I EMO& s. AKERMAN ATTO.. ORLANDO. FLA. GRADY ~LL MARS.., W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO ~ M,C.BRYAN J. Z. ECKLES- JOHN T. MINOR . . Qtit}J n f (@tntc Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST 1liglltes of regular meeting of Oi ty Uouncil held September 21st 1942. Meeting was oalled to order by President Bigelow at 8:30 P. M. Counoilmen present: Bigelow, Minor and Argo. Coun~ilmen Absent, Bryan and Eokles; Mayor Clerk and Marshal present. Minutes of last regular held ~eptember 7th and speoial meeting neld September 9th Was read and approved. Mr. Argo made motion to pay bills as read and as follows totalling to $99.90 - Fenole Chemical Oompany $1.50; P. P. Ford for two days polioe duty at rate of $25.00 per mont~f $1.66; L. C. Conrad' $10. 55; J. J. Robertson $3.45 for gas and oil for July; Florida Publio Servioe 00 for power and lights to September 3rd $39.40; J. A. Holland $2.00 for one day police serYice at rate of $60.00 ~er month. A bill for $35.00 from Akerman and Akerman was approved, but Was agreed wi th Mr. Akerman to hold it up until sugfioient funds are available, A $10.00 bill from 1Ir. Alterman fo r August retainer Was also ordered paid, rrtr. M:inor seOn nd the motion, voted and carried. Mr. Minor made his report of seoureing a spray and pwmp for use in spraying hyasinths . Oounoil instruoted Clerk to order another case of Ohlorene; nine cans to a oase at rate of ~2.00 per oan.when funds are availaole. ~hlorene was previously bought from Howard Grain Company in ~r1ando Counoil instruoted Clerk to open registration bn~k as of September 2P.nd for the purpose of registering K~ ~nes desireing to vnte in regular City Eleotion to be held November 3rd 1942. Mr. F. n. Moore was present in asking Counoil for a small donation toward ereoting an Honor Roll for the men in theArmed Servioes, oweing to the finanoes of the Town was not possible to do So. An applioation was filed from Mr. C. W. Stevens for Marshal j('lb in case of a vaoancy. ttr. Argo made motion to adopt ordina.noe being number 66, and entitled "An nrdinance appropriatiag and alloc~ting all revenue and funds of the Oity ~f 0ooee, Florida, reoeived from the water revenues for the tax year beginning on ~ovember 1, 1941, and ending on noy~ber 31, 1942." Upon a secnnd by Mr. Minor, it was duly v('lted and oarried. ~lere being no further business, ,cf' A~~ ,Cle rk: . C~uncil ndjorned. President. 1 "'" /"'~ .r~ ~ r .1 r ~