HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-05-1942 ,..- E. A. MURRAY MAYOR COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN .I. M. ARGO M.C.BRYAN 4A.J, Z. ECKLES ...JOHN T. MINOR NOT ICE ------ EMORY S. AKERMAN ATTOeORLANDO. FLA. -----, GRADY L. HALL MARS~ W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREA!!l. <!titll n f (@ 'nt~ Orange County OCOEE, FLORIOA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST NOTICE AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD OCTOBER 5th 1942, THE FOLLOWING NAMES WERE ORDERED ERASED FROM THE REGISTRATION BOOK THE NAMES OF SUCH PERSONS AS HAVE DIED OR WHO ARE OTHERWISE DISQ.UALIFIED TO VOTE IN REGULAR CITY ELECTION NOVEMBER 3rd 1942. ' Adams, Buford Allen, Brock Allen, Myrtive Barker, W. A. Bishop, W. C. Chilson, J.E. Campbell, M. L. Cain, Thad Clark, E. A. Dams.stus, R. E. Demastus , W. A. e Eckles, 'R. G. Emanuel, H. A. Emanuel, Roxie Fields, Mrs. S. Z. Fields, s. Z. GiLmore, J. T. Higginbotham, M. H. Higginbothron, Mrs. M.H. Howand, Frank HUdson, Ira Henry, L. J. Hudson, Ida Kerce, Mrs. Clara Kembro, Walter Levins, Mrs. Ruth Mdore, Mrs. Walter Moore, Walter Martin, F. O. Osteen, lm. W. Osteen, Mrs. G. W. Pounds, P. C. Pounds, Mrs. Phil Reeves, Byrdie Reeves, Collie Stephen, W. c. Spears, N. VI. Spears, Jewell Seagraves, Charlie Stephen, Mrs. W. C. SImmons, George Teston, Arvin Teston, Mildred .1 Updegrade, C. R. Updegrade, Mrs. C. R Whitaker, Grace Williams, O. R. E. A. MURRAY MAYOR EMOIS, AKERMAN AT TO ORLANDO. FLA. GRADY ~LL MARS.. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO M.C.BRYAN .... J. Z. ECKLES .. JOHN T. MINOR <!titll n f (@rntt Orange County OCOEE. FLORI DA BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST - tiinutes of a regular meeting of City Oounoil held Ootober 5th 1942 Meeting was called to order by Vioe-Chairman Eokles at 8:30 P. M. Counoilmen present: Eckles, Minor and Argo. Counoilmen Absent, Bigelow and Bryan, Mayor absent, Clerk and marshal present. Oit y Agt orney- Absent. Mr. Agro made motion to pay all ourrent bills as read and as follows: $1.50 for 90 days interest to :;)tate Bank of Apopka on :;plOO. note due September 26th; C. G. Sanders $28.00 for marshal salary from Septemeber 10th to September 31st at rate of $40.00 per month, E. B. Brown $5.41 for gas and'oil to Ootober 5th; Roy E. Burgess $3.85 for printing 1000 pest car,ds for,.water department;Florida Telephone Oorp. _$4.13; Akerman &: Akerman & McEwan $35.00, being $10. for July retainer and $25.00 on Harris mandamus case, and approve the paidment of $1.95 for postage and water sample express. m~~inn was second by Mr. Minor, Voted and carried. Mr'i Argo made motion tha t 1Ar. Minor and the ,Marshal to investigaee all water oolleotions paid t~ former marshal H. L. Ford, and report at next regular meeting, ~eoond Mr. Min~r, voted and carried. At this time the registration book was revise4,striking o~f 47 name of those who have died or otherwise are disqualified to vote in regular city eleotion November 3rd 1942. and instructed Clerk to post those names in theee places about t own. J,fr~ :~rgo "madecmoti onj"that.:. <)lerk':"be instruot ed to do this, second Mr. Minor, voted and oarried. Luoille MoDaniel filed applioation through Mr. Argo for the Clerk's job in case 'of vaoancy. Mr. Argo made mption that Mr. Eokles fix roof on this b~ilding at cost of $42.00, and to be paid out of post offioe rents, and the\amount of rents lack in paying the bill, to be paid out of other funds as so~n as possible, motion seconded by Mr. Minor, voted and oarried. Three being no further business, the Counoil adjorned at 10:00 P. M. Attest: ~ ~ Vice-Chairman J.~. Eckles J~ ...---- e E. A. MURRAY MAYOR COUNCILMEN R. C. BIGELOW CHAIRMAN J. M. ARGO M, C. BRYAN. . J. Z. ECKLES JOHN T. MINOR e ~ EMO~s. AKERMAN ATTOW ORLANDO. FLA. W. H. WURST CLERK AND TREAS. ~ GRADY:;&LL MARSW QLitJ! u f (@rUte Orange County OCOEE. FLORIDA I BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WELCOME TOURIST * * * * * MAYnR'S PEn CLAMATION * * --*** THIS IS Tn ANNOUNCE Tn TEE PUBLIC THAT THE REGULAB ELECTION (l F THE CITY 01' ncnEE FLORIDA: WILL BE EEL:D AT THE CITY HALL nN THE }!'ffiST TUESDAY IN NnVEh1BER, NAMELY TUESDAY NOVEMBER THIRD lUNETEEH FnRTY TWO, AT WHICH TIME THERE WILL BE ELEOTED THE pn.iJ.II1WING: T:HRJ!.E OnUUCIL1.lliN F0R THE TERM OF TWo YEARS. REGISTRATION B0(lK IS NOW OPEN AHD ALL WHO DESIRE TO QUALIFY :mR TEE ABOVE ELECTION SH0ULD REGISTER AT ONCE. ONLY THOSE \'IHO HAVE HEGISTllilED IN T1IE CITY WILL BE ENTITLED TO VOTE IN ABOVE ELECTION. THE FOiJ,OWING ARE ImREBY Al?POIHTt.:D TO ACT AS INSPEOTORS AND CLERK. G. c. SPURGEON Glerk. jj. M. REEVES P. P. FORD J. B. l1ESTON E. A. MURRAY Mayor.